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🗓️ Starting January 1, 2025, the fee for an ABGA Adult Membership will increase to $75 per year. Read more

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  • JABGA Member, Baylee Lamb, Recognized by the state of Oklahoma

    Baylee Lamb , the 2024 JABGA Nationals Bred & Owned Percentage Doe Grand Champion exhibitor, received an invitation from the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry to the State Capitol in recognition of her achievements at the 2024 JABGA National Show. During her visit, she had the opportunity to meet Governor Kevin Stitt, members of the Oklahoma State Legislature, explore the Capitol, and tour the Governor's Mansion. Lamb was among 48 Junior National Champions representing various breed associations. The exhibitors were recognized on Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt's social media pages. Congratulations, Baylee, on all your accomplishments, and here's to many more in the future!

  • Tip Tuesday: Transfers

    When a registered goat is sold, it needs to be transferred to the buyer and the transfer must be documented with the ABGA before its offspring can be registered. The original Registration Certificate, signed by the current owner(s), must be sent to the ABGA for the transfer to be processed. The owner(s) listed at the time of sale are accountable for completing the ABGA transfer in full. An Application for Transfer must include the following details: Name, address, and, if available, membership number of each transferee along with the Date of sale. Service date, natural or artificial, and registration number of the buck, if the animal has been serviced (bred). Signature and Membership Number of the individual(s), partnership, corporation, or other legal entity in whose name the service buck is registered. Information on whether females have been serviced naturally or artificially inseminated. If the doe has been serviced by a buck not owned by the breeder, a completed and signed Service Memo from the buck owner is required. Transfer applications will not be processed if any necessary data is missing. Transfer of ownership should be completed on the back of an ABGA registration certificate or ABGA approved transfer form. If the original certificate is not available, a statement confirming its location is needed. Any change in ownership of an animal used for registered breeding purposes must be officially recorded with the Association by transfer. Missing transfers may incur a fee. For animals not registered with ABGA, both registration and transfer fees will be applicable. Tampered or altered certificates, and mistakes In case the certificate is tampered with, one of these steps must be taken: Provide a letter or email from the seller confirming the date of sale along with the buyer's name. For instance: I, John Doe confirm the sale of Bob the Boer, reg # 10900000, sold to Jane Doe on 6/28/2024. Provide a Bill of Sale containing identifying details of the goat bought from the seller. ACCEPTABLE: Bob the Goat, reg # 1090000, sold to John Doe on 6/28/2024. UNACCEPTABLE: Black buck sold to John Doe. The use of correction fluid (White Out) or any other medium invalidates ABGA Certificates of Registration. This includes transfer information written on the reverse side of the certificate. You may "correct" mistakes in the Transfer portion (back) of a Certificate with a single line through the mistake and your initials. See examples below:

  • ABGA Member Spotlight: Chicken Bacon Ranch Farmstead

    Chicken Bacon Ranch Farmstead, located in Eland, Wisconsin, is owned and operated by Ashley and Christopher Voelz, along with their three children: Clayton, Claire, and Harper. The small, family-run farm specializes in raising ABGA registered Boer goats, market hogs, produce, and specialty cut flowers. In addition to the diverse range of products and animals raised on the farm, Chicken Bacon Ranch Farmstead is heavily involved in agritourism. The farm hosts several on farm events each year. “With greater generations removed from the farm, transparency in animal agriculture and education have never been more vital,” says Ashley, “Visitors can get a glimpse of life on the farm and ask questions about our stewardship, animals, and products.” Wisconsin's harsh winter weather can be challenging for Chicken Bacon Ranch, so the farm utilizes barn cameras, heat barrels, and deep bedded straw in their barns to ensure a successful kidding season, cater to their market of show animals, ethnic holidays, and to avoid frostbite and respiratory illness the cold conditions may cause to their young animals. The Voelz’ also have two heated areas in their barn that they use for their does and kids in emergency situations. Animal health and nutrition are the top priorities for Chicken Bacon Ranch Farmstead. They work closely with their vet and feed mill to create a custom plan for their farm and keep records of all vaccinations, health events, and weight checks for every goat. This information helps them make better decisions on management, feeding, and genetics, and provides buyers with an animal's history. Ashley's job as an animal nutritionist led her to become interested in the Boer breed. She and Christopher bought their first registered stock in 2019 after seeing their fast growth potential, marketability, and gentle disposition while consulting on a farm. Since then, they have been continually improving their herd of 30 breeding does and bucks. Earlier this fall, their son Clayton received the Boer Goat Nation Youth Scholarship, which they used to purchase two doelings to expand Clayton's goat project. This not only brought in different genetics to utilize, but also created many friendships and fueled a young man’s dream. Ashley and Christopher's advice for those beginning in this industry is to be intentional with their goals and adjust them as they go along. “Progress is never static, and evolving plans are part of the process.” They also recommend finding successful mentors, veterinarians, and nutritionists, as well as buying good stock. Lastly, they emphasize the importance of animal health and nutrition, keeping meticulous records, and testing annually for diseases to make better decisions on management, feeding, and genetics. Visit Chicken Bacon Ranch Farmstead at:

  • Tip Tuesday: Embryo Transfers

    A properly completed and signed Embryo Transfer Report shall be submitted with each application for registration of kids resulting from that particular embryo flush. - Rule 503 A. While our office staff is trained to enter your flush paperwork, and are happy to help, we are not embryologists. To ensure all required fields are submitted, and to avoid any delays to your paperwork, we ask that you use our standardized Embryo Transfer/Flush form. Did you sell or purchase frozen embryos or recipient does? Remember to provide a signed and completed Embryo Ownership Transfer form. You can find all ABGA forms at *Online registrations from a purchased embryo or recip are currently not fully functional on iCompete. If you purchased embryos or a recip, please send all paperwork and registration applications to the ABGA office via mail, email, or our contact page .

  • How to Submit a Certificate of Registration Electronically

    Did you know that you can digitally submit an ABGA Certificate of Registration for transfers or corrections? It only takes 4 simple steps: Write 'VOID' on the front of the certificate. Write 'VOID' and the animal registration number on the back of the certificate. Take a photo of both sides of the certificate; make sure all four corners and the background are visible in the photos. Submit the photos to the ABGA office using the 'SUBMIT WORK' button on our website, or email them to

  • Tip Tuesday: Submitting a Work Order

    When submitting work digitally to the ABGA office, whether via email or , you will receive a confirmation of receipt within one business day. If you do not get a confirmation within this timeframe, please contact the ABGA office before resubmitting. Duplicate submissions may delay your work order. To prevent delays, ensure all forms are fully completed , and you are using updated forms. Incomplete, incorrect, or illegible forms may be subject to a $25 correction fee per rule 210 B. You can find all forms here : If you have not received your certificate(s): Check your email for a Request for Information (RFI). Keep an eye on your Spam/Junk folder and add all emails from the domain to your safe sender list to ensure delivery to your main inbox. Look up "how to add a domain to safe sender list + your email provider name" online if you need assistance adding us to your safe sender list. If you receive an RFI from an ABGA registrar via email, reply directly to that registrar's email. Avoid emailing . RFI's are held for 90 days. If we do not receive a response to an RFI after 90 days, your work order will be cancelled and a $5 cancellation fee will apply.

  • 2024 Nationals Replay and Results

    Did you miss the 2024 ABGA & JABGA National Show? Watch the entire show on YouTube via Show Barn Flix! View National Show Results on

  • How to Trim Goat Hooves

    ABGA Member Dawn Foster of No Step Ranch in Sterling City, Texas takes us through the steps on how to give your goat a hoof trim.

  • How to Tag Your Goat

    ABGA Member Dawn Foster of No Step Ranch in Sterling City, Texas takes us through the steps on how to tag your goat.

  • How to Tattoo Your Goat

    ABGA Member, Dawn Foster, of No Step Ranch in Sterling City, Texas takes us through the steps on how to tattoo your goat.

  • Just what is "Pregnancy Toxemia?

    I have raised goats, cattle and horses all my life.  This article is intended to explain what is going on with pregnant does that develop a condition called pregnancy toxemia, how to possibly prevent it, diagnose it and what works in my herd (U-BAR Boers) to treat it. Pregnancy toxemia is the same as preeclampsia in women.  It’s a metabolic disease of does that occurs in the final weeks of pregnancy (usually the last 1 to 3 weeks).  Signs of the condition, due to low glucose (sugar) levels in the blood include a gradual decrease in food intake, depression or inactivity, down and unable to rise, tremors, wobbly gait, weakness, swelling of the feet, weight shifting, walking tenderly as if their feet hurt, and teeth grinding.  If left untreated or not treated quickly enough, this condition can result in the death of the doe and her kids. Pregnancy toxemia is typically seen in does carrying more than two kids. Does who are obese, very thin or have a heavy parasite load are also more at risk. The condition develops due to a reduced ability to consume enough food and obtain energy from their diet to meet the energy demands of the doe and her kids.  80% of the growth of the kids occurs during the last 6 weeks of gestation.  As the doe’s uterus enlarges, there is less room for her stomach (rumen) to fill with feed or there simply may be no way for the doe to eat enough or she may not have enough offered.  In order to meet the nutritional requirements of the growing kids and still maintain her own body, the doe’s liver begins to convert stored fat into sugar for energy.  This process (gluconeogenesis) is also what causes the ketone production and why it is critical that the doe be in good condition, not thin, obese or have a heavy parasite (worms) load and have plenty of good feed available in the last weeks prior to kidding.  I also recommend worming with a good broad-spectrum wormer (Not Valbazen) 30-45 days prior to kidding and again about a week after kidding when the stress of kidding and making milk lowers the does’ resistance to parasite infestations.  If you wormed the affected doe earlier, have a fecal checked to be sure internal parasites haven’t occurred again because an acquired worm load can cause pregnancy toxemia as well. If at all possible, an ultrasound at 45-50 days of pregnancy is highly recommended to identify does carrying more than two fetuses.  This allows for more intensive management and observation of those that are more prone to the development of pregnancy toxemia.  If ultra-sounding is not possible, pay particular attention to does that are overly large for their stage of gestation and monitor their eating habits and behavior closely.  Make note of the ‘pecking order’ during feeding time and make sure some are not being pushed out and not receiving adequate nutrition.  If that happens separate those does that are more timid and feed them separately. To have any chance of correcting the condition, paying close attention to the does activity, appetite, gait and overall attitude is key.  I can’t stress enough that early diagnosis is critical to managing this potentially fatal condition. Once the doe is down and refuses to get up, or if ketone levels have been high and 2 days of drenching have not reduced ketone levels to moderate or low, the decision must be made to induce or have a C-Section performed.  In some cases, the doe is more important to the breeding program than the kids and the kids may have to be sacrificed.  It is extremely risky to not induce a doe with high ketone levels that are not responding to treatment.  If left too long, the doe may lack sufficient energy to even deliver the kids and the risk of losing both the doe and the kids is great.  It is also possible for the kids to die due to pregnancy toxemia and leave the doe with a potentially fatal infection called septicemia. *Note:  If the doe has had to be induced it is fairly common for her to experience a retained or incomplete passing of the placenta.  Very small doses (1/4 cc every four hours for 3-4 doses) of oxytocin can help with problem sometimes but extreme caution must be exercised with this drug.  You should consult your veterinarian if the doe does not pass the afterbirth within a few hours after kidding.  Never attempt to assist removal of the placenta by pulling on it.  Please read the separate article on what to possibly expect if you are forced to induce a doe. Preventing pregnancy toxemia involves four management goals. Show or obese does should lose excess weight and very thin does should be fed to gain some weight prior to breeding and all bred does should be maintained on a maintenance diet until the final month of pregnancy at which point their feed intake should gradually be increased.  Growing kids more than double a doe’s nutritional requirement. There should be ample room for exercise (which is extremely important), and control of other conditions that might result in reduced feed intake or increased energy demand, such as parasitism, adequate shelter from bad weather or illness. You may also worm and vaccinate your does about 30 days prior to kidding.  (I worm, boost the CDT vaccination and give Vitamins E,A,D, and a BoSe injection 30 to 45 days prior to kidding.) During the last 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, monitor suspect does for the signs of pregnancy toxemia (usually rears it’s ugly head on day 21 from due date or sometime after that) and test their urine daily using Ketostix. Make sure the Ketostix’s have not expired, they have a fairly short shelf life.   As soon as a doe gets up, she will usually urinate, have the Ketostix ready and insert it into the urine stream, or catch some in a cup and dip the stick into it and wait 10 to 15 seconds. (I save some of the 6 or 12 cc syringe covers to use a urine catchers – they’re free and you can have some in every pocket and corner of the barn.) Separate the doe (put a buddy in with her if possible), increase feed intake, and begin drenching at the first sign of ketones.  Worm or insure your does are free of parasites that can drain their energy resources. Ketostix – can be purchased at any drug store or pharmacy Does confirmed carrying 3-4 fetuses or those showing ketones on the Ketostix should be offered continual access to a high energy feed during the last month of gestation. (Feed that contains some of the following corn, milo, barley, wheat or cottonseed meal, soybean hull pellets and the label reads 16% or more protein.  I do not feed whole or ‘just’ cracked corn as it can lead to founder and other issues.) Prepared feed containing the additive Rumensin or Monensin can also be helpful as those ingredients increase feed utilization in the rumen. At 3 to 4 weeks prior to kidding, increase the feed amount and quality gradually so as not to upset the normal function of the rumen, which could also cause pregnancy toxemia as well. Treating pregnancy toxemia. Again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, it cannot be stressed enough that diagnosing the early stages of pregnancy toxemia is key to the success of treating it.  Have the Ketostix readily available, (again, an empty syringe case works well and is good to catch urine if you need to) and test suspect or multiple (more than 2 kids) does daily.  Have the ingredients listed in the drench recipe below before kidding season arrives. Dosing Syringe – Drencher (Different sizes available) Also showing a calf drencher which works great when giving larger doses.  Valley Vet and other livestock supply business offer different sizes of drench guns.  Given the large volumes that need to be given in most cases, a 150 ml to 300 mil drench gun or calf drencher makes it much easier to administer the correct amount of drench. Pregnancy Toxemia Recipe Equal parts of: 50% dextrose CMPK (best) or Calcium Gluconate Amino Acids Blue Lite, Keep ‘N On or other form of electrolytes (2 scoops of Blue Lyte or 1 bottle of Keep ‘N On mixed with water) Dyne Propylene Glycol (I try at first without PG, then add some after day 2 if no change) 1-2 tsp Probios (powder or paste) (I also add about 10 Niacin and 10 Vitamin B dissolved tablets to each gallon of mixture) If you’ll use one of the dextrose or CMPK bottles as a measuring bottle OR use any measuring cup you like, but you will need at least a gallon of mixture to start with.  The mixture, if refrigerated, will last for a couple of months.  I keep mine in the fridge even when using daily but do warm it before drenching it, they take it much better warm. This drench, because it’s so high in carbs (sugars) tends to really lower the does desire to eat hay/grain and ketosis also causes a lack of appetite.  That’s why we’ve developed the high-fiber nutritional drench to use as well. Nutritional/Fiber Drench This can be given along with the drench or instead of for a couple of times a day.  This mixture adds some to fiber to the does digestive system and is attempting to keep her rumen functioning.  It’s very high in carbohydrates but does lack the other metabolic ingredients included in the drench above. 1-2 cans of smoothly blended cream corn (so it will go through the drench gun) 1 pkg of baby rice powder or cooked/blended rice 1-2 can of blended sweet potatoes (with sugar, not Splenda) or powdered pkgs 2-3 packages of cooked/blended grits or mashed potatoes Some dissolved alfalfa pellets are great too. 1 cup of dyne and add water to make it the right consistency for the drench gun. Give 150-300 cc 1-2 times a day. WATER: The most over looked problem, make sure the doe is drinking lots and lots of water, otherwise drench her with 300-600 cc’s of water several times a day.  Check the frequency and color of her urine.  If it’s a dark yellow she needs a lot more water in her.  If necessary have an IV setup and some 1 liter bags of sodium chloride to give sq. You can get all the drench ingredients, including Blue Lyte and YMCP and the drenchers from Valley Vet as well as other online Farm and Ranch sites.  If you store unopened ingredients in a closet or someplace where they don’t get too hot or freeze, they’ll  last for a couple of years or more.  YMCP - It's a yeast-based product to help with digestion and is loaded calcium and other essential vitamins. I put some in the water for my does a few days before kidding and also offer it a few days afterwards. They will guzzle an entire bucket down right after kidding. Really helps with the transition into milk production and its increased calcium demands. It's manufactured by a company called Tech Mix. You can order it and the Blue Lyte from a FB friend named Victoria Tonn (Face Book) and it's also available from several other online livestock supply businesses. I use a lot of Blue Lyte and the YMCP and highly recommend it. I buy the dextrose, CMPK and Amino Acids by the case.  The key is to have the ingredients BEFORE you need them! Fill syringe with drench, holding does head slightly tilted up, insert the metal end far back into the mouth between the cheek and the teeth and slowly depress syringe.    Allow the doe to swallow often.  Also give 300-600 mls of fresh water after drenching to make sure the doe has plenty of fluid intake.  (Do not try to drench a doe that has no swallowing reflex.)  Note:  Do not wear good clothes when administering this drench; you will be wearing some of it!  If you use the calf feeder (which I do) just keep the bubble containing the drench down low while inserting the tube down her throat, you don’t want any going down into the lungs.  Insert the tube (and they’ll have a swallowing reflex) and then when it’s in place tip the bubble with the drench (or water) up and let it flow down.  Make sure it’s empty before you remove the tube.  You can add extra water to the drench to help increase fluid intake.  I really prefer the calf drencher because there is no risk to the doe inhaling anything if it’s given properly. If a doe’s Ketostix test strip indicates low ketone levels (5 to 15 on the stick), usually about 100 cc’s of the drench mixture given orally twice a day via a drench gun is sufficient but frequent testing with the ketostick is needed to determine the continued effectiveness as the condition usually worsens the closer to the due date she gets. Higher levels (40 or higher on the stick) giving 300 to 500 cc’s 3 to 4 times daily is usually sufficient to bring down the ketone levels within a day.  If multiple daily drenching’s do not lower levels significantly and the stick does not show ‘large’, but the doe is still eating and within 10 days of her due date, you can administer 1cc (IM) of dexamethasone daily (same time each day)until she kids or you administer an induction dose of dexamethasone and lutalyse.  (This small dose will not cause induction and will encourage development of the kids lungs as well as make the doe feel better, lower ketone levels and increase her appetite). (DO NOT stop giving the 1 cc dose daily and then start it up again, this WILL bring on labor – once you start, do not stop until kids are delivered.)  If the doe continues to have ‘large’ readings on the Ketostix after two days of the drenching treatment, stops eating or appears weak, induction is no longer a matter of choice regardless of the stage of pregnancy. Do NOT wait. At this point, the doe should be offered all the fresh water, grain/good hay she will eat.  The small dose of dexamethasone often improves the appetite and you can offer the doe a variety of treats (rose bush clippings, oak leaves, blackberry clippings, whatever is available for the season – beware of yard shrub clippings though, some are poisonous).  It’s just critical that they eat high carbohydrate foods and drink plenty of water. Use 10 cc’s of dexamethasone (IM) (5cc is adequate for induction if she’s been receiving the 1 cc per day dose earlier) and 2 cc’s Lutalyse (IM) to induce.  Generally, the doe will kid within 24 to 48 hours (sometimes it takes longer, don’t panic and sometimes it takes less, depending on how close to their due date the doe is).  Continue to administer the drench during this period and about 100 cc 1-2 times daily for 2 days after kidding especially if not eating well.  Offer the doe a bucket of warm water with molasses (I use a powder called YMCP to help with milk fever, milking and after kidding stress) after kidding.  Keep a close eye on her after kidding to insure complete delivery of the afterbirth. Sometimes it’s beneficial to continue drenching a day or 2 after kidding if the doe remains lethargic. If a doe does not recover well (it wasn’t a difficult birth) and she delivered 3 or more kids, occasionally they can suffer from a displaced abomasum (part of the stomach).  Here is a link for easily treating that condition. Again, please do not delay the decision to induce if the ketone levels are not dropping.  So many of us (myself included) have lost beautiful, much-loved animals trying to wait just ‘one more day’ to make the call.  It takes a couple of day for kidding to occur even with induction and that’s two more days the doe has to survive with high ketones. Please, feel free to print/email/share this with everyone you know that has goats.  Education, recognition and early treatment is the key to saving our does.  I know how badly it hurts to lose one. Lauren Green

  • 2024 National Show: Adult Fitting Contest

    Adult Fitting Competition Saturday Night June 8th Open to anyone $150 for each 2 person team Half of the proceeds go to JABGA, other half go to winning team. People’s choice will also be awarded! Rules: The objective of this contest is to gain the ability to work with a team to enhance the show ring performance of the groomed animal. Each team will consist of no more than TWO INDIVIDUALS. Each team will be responsible for bringing a goat to use in the competition. Animals can be pre-clipped and need to be washed and dried, but no products are allowed on the animal upon entering the competition. All animals will be checked for products before entering the competition area. Each team must provide their own fitting equipment. Once the contest begins, no team member may leave the area and no additional equipment may be brought into the fitting area. All team members and equipment must be in place at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the contest. Each team will be allowed 20 minutes to fit their animal. ALL FITTING TECHNIQUES MUST BE WITHIN THE ACCEPTED PRACTICES OF THE AMERICAN BOER GOAT ASSOCIATION’S SANCTIONED SHOW RULES. Judge will circulate and question participants during the 30 minutes. Points will be awarded as follows: Ability to fit- 25 points. Participation of each team member - 10 points. Organization of supplies & equipment - 5 points. Overall effect - 5 points. Knowledge & response to questions - 5 points.

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