🗓️ Starting January 1, 2025, the fee for an ABGA Adult Membership will increase to $75 per year. Read more
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- 2022 - 2023 JABGA Public Speaking Contest
Updated rules and topics for the 2022-2023 JABGA Regional Show Series Public Speaking contest. 2022 - 2023 JABGA Public Speaking Contest Updated rules and topics for the 2022-2023 JABGA Regional Show Series Public Speaking contest. Electronic devices will not be allowed in the holding area or contest room. Materials: two 3x5 inch note cards can be used; no other outside materials are allowed. Excessive reference to notes may result in deduction of points. The use of visual aids is not allowed. Each contestant must make the presentation without a microphone. Contestants shall not be penalized for moving about or using/not using a podium. Contestants will be penalized one point per second on each judge's score sheet for being over or under the time allowed for each speech. Ties will be broken by comparing scores in the following judging sections: Oral communication Speech composition Non-verbal communication Response to questions Dress appropriately for the subject you are presenting. Junior Division (ages 4 to 8) No less than 3 minutes no more than 5 minutes Additional 5 minutes will be given for related questions asked by the judges Regional Show: "Why is it important to keep your feed buckets, water troughs, and facilities clean?" National Show: "How do you keep a Boer goat healthy?" Intermediate Division (ages 9 to 13) No less than 4 minutes no more than 6 minutes Additional 5 minutes will be given for related questions asked by the judges Regional Show: "Why is it important for Boer goats to have correct breed standards?" National Show: "What can you do to raise awareness in the goat industry?" Senior Division (ages 14 & over) No less than 5 minutes no more than 7 minutes Additional 5 minutes will be given for related questions asked by the judges Regional Show: "What advice would you give to younger members in JABGA?" National Show: "How to be a mentor and influence new showmen/breeders?" You can find more information on the 2021-2022 JABGA Regional Show Series Show Rules here: https://www.abga.org/jabga/jabga-regional-show-rules . 2022-2023 JABGA Regional Show Rules .pdf Download PDF • 317KB #JABGA #news Related Posts
- JABGA Area Updates
The Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) is growing rapidly, prompting us to update our areas for the first time in over a decade. JABGA Area Updates The Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) is growing rapidly, prompting us to update our areas for the first time in over a decade. Why We Updated the Areas for the Junior American Boer Goat Association The Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) is growing rapidly, prompting us to update our areas for the first time in over a decade. In the past 10 years our membership has also shifted. This change reflects those shifts to better serve everyone. Here’s why we made this change and how it benefits our members. JABGA Area Map - Effective 2025 Rapid Growth Brings New Opportunities JABGA has experienced some growth over the past several years. This growth has created exciting opportunities but also revealed some challenges with our existing area structure. The distribution of members across the country had become uneven, making it clear that an update was overdue. Balancing the Areas Our primary goal in updating the areas was to create a more balanced distribution of members. Previously, some areas had significantly more members than others, which made participation in events and leadership activities more challenging for some. The new structure ensures that each area has as equal a number of members as possible, promoting fairness and encouraging more consistent participation. Traveling Made Easier We understand that traveling to shows, and competitions can be a big commitment for our Junior members and their families. With the updated areas, members will have the opportunity to travel to events in states that are closer to home. This change not only reduces travel time and expenses but also makes it more convenient for members to stay involved and engaged in JABGA activities. Looking Ahead We’re excited about the positive impact this update will have on our organization and our Junior members. The new structure represents our commitment to fairness, accessibility, and growth as we continue to support the next generation of Boer goat enthusiasts. Thank you to everyone who provided input and support during this process. We look forward to seeing our members thrive in these newly balanced areas. Here’s to a bright future for JABGA and all our incredible Juniors! Related Posts Dec 2, 2024 Overcoming Obstacles in the Industry The Boer goat industry faces challenges like breeding for quality, disease management, and labor commitment. Despite these, the rewards are immense. By Alaina Blair Oct 18, 2024 Maintaining Breed Integrity The Reasons Behind the Breed Standards by Jada Young Sep 6, 2024 Meet JABGA President: Madison Reis Madison Reis spent much of her childhood entrenched in agriculture and showing alongside her grandparents in California.
- ABGA Broadens Horizons with Wether Incentive Program Ahead of National Show
SAN ANGELO, TEXAS – The American Boer Goat Association is pleased to announce an added incentive program to the wether show by... ABGA Broadens Horizons with Wether Incentive Program Ahead of National Show SAN ANGELO, TEXAS – The American Boer Goat Association is pleased to announce an added incentive program to the wether show by... SAN ANGELO, TEXAS – The American Boer Goat Association is pleased to announce an added incentive program to the wether show by introducing the Boer Goat Advantage (BGA). The Boer Goat Advantage (BGA) wether incentive program will give wether goat breeders the opportunity to register their animals in ABGA’s herd books while donating a portion of their registration fees toward the incentive fund. The Registration fee per wether is $15.00. Five dollars from that fee will be issued toward the incentive fund, which will be utilized to offer cash and other prizes for the ABGA wether class at the ABGA and JABGA National Show and regional shows. The BGA incentive program comes after many years of unprecedented growth in the Wether Show sector across the United States. ABGA hopes the new program will appeal to youth livestock exhibitors and current Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) members, who make up a greater part of wether goat exhibitors. Along with many other breed registry programs, the BGA wether incentive program comes with added marketing opportunities both in and out of the show ring. To qualify for the BGA wether incentive program, animals cannot be older than 12 months of age and cannot possess adult teeth. Animals must be tattooed or microchipped. Animal ID will be checked and verified at events. #2023NationalShow #jabga #news Related Posts
- What National Agriculture Week Means To Me
JABGA Board Member, Alaina Blair, reflects on what National Agriculture Week means to her. What National Agriculture Week Means To Me JABGA Board Member, Alaina Blair, reflects on what National Agriculture Week means to her. By Alaina Blair JABGA Board Member Alaina Blair Agriculture has provided me with vast opportunities and has impacted my life in many great ways: from skills learned and values instilled in me to hard work and responsibility are a way of life. It teaches perseverance, to hold tight to my faith, and know the sun will rise again tomorrow. Agriculture is not only cultivating the land, producing crops, and raising livestock, but it’s being a caregiver. It’s setting roots that run deep with family, history, and community. One day I will become part of a legacy left on the land as the next generation is raised. Agriculture is vital for all, for it produces the necessities that maintain life. ABGA has helped me find my passion and fuels my drive for the Boer goat industry. It’s given me the opportunity to be involved in the industry I so deeply love. Hopefully, one day I will be able to have a livelihood in becoming a veterinarian that specializes in small ruminants and giving back to the industry that has given me so much. Therefore, celebrating National Agriculture Week makes me think of gratitude and harvest time. Gratitude for the backbone of our nation that provides our food and a way of life to be proud of! It’s the past, present, and a promise of the future. It gives me a reason to celebrate the industry I love and settles my soul. Here’s to a lifestyle worth celebrating! #JABGA #news Related Posts
- ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - Dec. 20
ABGA joined hosts Drew Williams and Jason Brashear on Boer Goat Nation on December 20 to recap the ABGA and JABGA Face-to-Face meetings ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - Dec. 20 ABGA joined hosts Drew Williams and Jason Brashear on Boer Goat Nation on December 20 to recap the ABGA and JABGA Face-to-Face meetings ABGA President Ken Baty, Treasurer Sam Knott, JABGA Youth Coordinator Hannah Seymore, and office manager Brenda McCary joined host Drew Williams on Boer Goat Nation on December 20, 2022, to recap the 2023 renewal process using iCompete discuss the ABGA and JABGA Board of Directors' Face-to-Face meetings. You can watch the Facebook Live broadcast of the podcast below: HELPFUL LINKS: Renew for 2023! iCompete Instructions iCompete Video Tutorial Boer Goat Nation , hosted by Drew Williams, is a podcast designed to promote the Boer goat breed, the industry, and the hard-working people that make the industry great. Boer Goat Nation is broadcast via Facebook Live every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM CST . You can find them on Facebook HERE . In an effort to improve communication and open engagement with nearly 10,000 ABGA members and industry partners, the ABGA Board of Directors is excited to be partnering with Boer Goat Nation . The Board of Directors has committed to participating in the podcast once a month to share updates and progress within ABGA and JABGA and share highlights from our published minutes from the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors . #JABGA #news Related Posts
- REMINDER: Nominations Open for JABGA Board of Directors
JABGA is now accepting JABGA Board of Directors nominations until March 1, 2023. REMINDER: Nominations Open for JABGA Board of Directors JABGA is now accepting JABGA Board of Directors nominations until March 1, 2023. The Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) is now accepting nominations for the JABGA Board of Directors . Applications (completed by the nominee) for the JABGA Board of Directors are due to the ABGA office via electronic form or regular mail (4258 S Jackson St, San Angelo, Texas 76903) on or before March 1, 2023. The JABGA Board of Directors works alongside the ABGA Board of Directors to represent JABGA members across five areas of the United States as the main governing body of the Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) . JABGA Directors volunteer their personal time and effort in service of JABGA programs like the JABGA Regional Show Series and by promoting core JABGA values like scholarship, leadership, good sportsmanship, and character development. The JABGA Board of Directors also serves as youth ambassadors for the improvement and promotion of the Boer goat breed through the breeding, raising, and exhibition of American Boer Goats. Board seats are open for the following JABGA Areas: Area 1 (Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming) Area 2 (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois) Area 3 (Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, D.C., Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, New York) Area 4 (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina) Area 5 (Colorado, New Mexico, Texas) In accordance with JABGA Bylaws, applicants must be JABGA members in good standing (renewed for 2023 by January 1, 2023) in order to run for or hold a seat on the JABGA Board of Directors. For more information, see the ABGA Bylaws and the JABGA Bylaws . Application (Due March 1, 2023) Applications for the JABGA Board of Directors will be due by 5:00 PM CST on March 1, 2023 . Applications should be completed in full and submitted to the ABGA office via electronic form (see below) or regular mail (4258 S Jackson St, San Angelo, Texas 76903) by the due date. Required: Application (completed) – Download here Contact Information page and Certificate of Application (completed) Digital photo Directors Responsibilities page (signed) Responsibility Release, Information Release, Photo Release, Authorization Form Conflict of Interest Statement (completed) Code of Conduct form (completed) Brief statement (less than 250 words) – “Why do you want to be a JABGA Director?” Optional: Applicants may submit a resume that highlights the following: Involvement in JABGA and/or the goat industry School activities 4-H & FFA activities Leadership activities Volunteer work/community service Eligibility Applicants for the JABGA Board of Directors must: Be 14 years of age or older on January 1, 2023 Reside in the JABGA Area for which the applicant is running/elected Have renewed their JABGA membership on or before January 1, 2023 Questions or Concerns? C ontact JABGA Youth Coordinator Hannah Jenkins at jabga@abga.org with any questions or concerns regarding JABGA Board of Directors nominations. Ready to Apply? Applicants should complete the JABGA Board of Directors application below and submit it to the ABGA office via electronic form or regular mail (4258 S Jackson St, San Angelo, Texas 76903) by March 1, 2023. ONLINE FORM: Apply for Junior Board Nomination DOWNLOAD PDF FORM: 2023 JABGA Director Packet FINAL .pdf Download PDF • 357KB About JABGA: The Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) supports ABGA in its mission to improve and promote the Boer breed and encourage the breeding, raising, and exhibition of American Boer Goats. JABGA fosters the personal growth of its youth membership through training in scholarship, leadership, good sportsmanship, and character development as individuals and in groups. #JABGA #news Related Posts
- Applications Open for JABGA Board of Directors
JABGA is now accepting JABGA Board of Directors nominations until March 1, 2024. Applications Open for JABGA Board of Directors JABGA is now accepting JABGA Board of Directors nominations until March 1, 2024. The Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) is now accepting applications for the JABGA Board of Directors . Applications completed by the nominee for the JABGA Board of Directors are due to the ABGA office via electronic form or regular mail on or before March 1, 2024. The JABGA Board of Directors works alongside the ABGA Board of Directors to represent JABGA members across five areas of the United States as the main governing body of the Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) . JABGA Directors volunteer their personal time and effort in service of JABGA programs like the JABGA Regional Show Series and by promoting core JABGA values like scholarship, leadership, good sportsmanship, and character development. The JABGA Board of Directors also serves as youth ambassadors for the improvement and promotion of the Boer goat breed through the breeding, raising, and exhibition of American Boer Goats. Board seats are open for the following JABGA Areas: Area 1 (Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming) Area 2 (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois) Area 3 (Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, D.C., Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, New York) Area 4 (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina) Area 5 (Colorado, New Mexico, Texas) In accordance with JABGA Bylaws, applicants must be JABGA members in good standing (renewed for 2024 by January 1, 2024) in order to run for or hold a seat on the JABGA Board of Directors. For more information, see the ABGA Bylaws and the JABGA Bylaws . Required: Application (completed) Contact Information page and Certificate of Application (completed) Digital photo Directors Responsibilities page (signed) Responsibility Release, Information Release, Photo Release, Authorization Form Conflict of Interest Statement (completed) Code of Conduct form (completed) Brief statement (less than 250 words) – “Why do you want to be a JABGA Director?” Optional: Applicants may submit a resume that highlights the following: Involvement in JABGA and/or the goat industry School activities 4-H & FFA activities Leadership activities Volunteer work/community service Eligibility Applicants for the JABGA Board of Directors must: Be 16 years of age or older on January 1, 2024 Reside in the JABGA Area for which the applicant is running/elected Have renewed their JABGA membership on or before January 1, 2024 Questions or Concerns? C ontact JABGA Youth Coordinator Hannah Jenkins at jabga@abga.org with any questions or concerns regarding JABGA Board of Directors nominations. Ready to Apply? Applicants should complete the JABGA Board of Directors application below and submit it to the ABGA office via electronic form or regular mail by March 1, 2024. ONLINE FORM: Apply now! DOWNLOAD PDF FORM: 2024 JABGA Director Packet .pdf Download PDF • 184KB About JABGA: The Junior American Boer Goat Association (JABGA) supports ABGA in its mission to improve and promote the Boer breed and encourage the breeding, raising, and exhibition of American Boer Goats. JABGA fosters the personal growth of its youth membership through training in scholarship, leadership, good sportsmanship, and character development as individuals and in groups. Related Posts
- JABGA Member Casey Stevens Researches Goat Meat
Casey Stevens’ goal is to change the meat goat industry. Check out her award winning research! JABGA Member Casey Stevens Researches Goat Meat Casey Stevens’ goal is to change the meat goat industry. Check out her award winning research! An Unknown Staple of Meat | A Study of The Boer Goat Industry Casey Stevens’ goal is to change the meat goat industry. Her research “An Unknown Staple of Meat, A Study of The Meat Goat Industry” came in 4th in the Ag Sociology category at the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo. You can download and view her study here. Casey_Stevens_An_Unknown_Staple_of_Meat .pdf Download PDF • 962KB Related Posts
- Meet McKenna Blair
First Coni Ross Memorial Scholarship Recipient “Being chosen as the first-ever Coni Ross scholarship recipient means a lot to me,” said... Meet McKenna Blair First Coni Ross Memorial Scholarship Recipient “Being chosen as the first-ever Coni Ross scholarship recipient means a lot to me,” said... First Coni Ross Memorial Scholarship Recipient “Being chosen as the first-ever Coni Ross scholarship recipient means a lot to me,” said McKenna Blair, who is from Wagoner, Okla. “I considered her to be the best of the best.” Ranked 7th in her class, McKenna graduated Wagoner High School with a 4.0 GPA in May 2021. She now attends Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Okla. As a double major in Agriculture Education and Agriculture Communications, she has a 4.0 GPA. “I will forever cherish Coni’s impact on my life,” McKenna said. “I can still remember her smiling and walking around the ring doing what she loved most. She brought so much positivity to the barns that always brightened my day.” Known worldwide for her knowledge of Boer goats and her interest in sharing her knowledge with others, McKenna said she hopes to follow in Coni’s footsteps. “I can only hope to, one day, be as knowledgeable about livestock as Coni and expand my own education to help and mold the generations to come,” McKenna said. After she graduates from college, McKenna wants to be an ag educator and build her own Boer goat herd. “Boer goats are beautiful animals,” McKenna said. “There is nothing cuter than a baby goat.” But it goes farther than that for McKenna. McKenna also wants to pay it forward by providing show animals to kids who are interested in showing and building a bond with the younger generations. McKenna said if you look deeper into what the Boer goat offers, there are many reasons to like Boer goats. “At the show level, they teach youth and adults how to manage time as well as how to be good caregivers,” she explained. “I think one of the greatest things Boer goats have to offer is their efficiency to convert forage to meat production. If a person isn’t interested in the show aspect of the Boer goat, the market and farm-to-table aspect is very beneficial and should be utilized more in today's world.” Related Posts
- What is Agriculture?
Read what JABGA Vice President, Logan Hollen, wrote about agriculture for National Agriculture Week. What is Agriculture? Read what JABGA Vice President, Logan Hollen, wrote about agriculture for National Agriculture Week. JABGA Vice President Logan Hollen What is Agriculture? As a girl growing up in Kentucky, I have been surrounded by ag my whole life. Throughout the past 18 years on this earth, I have learned what agricultural means to me. The foundation of the world is agriculture. Ag gives you everything – from the clothes on your back to the lights in your house. A few months ago, I found myself in front of a freshman ag class teaching them what agricultural is. After the lesson I left them with one last thing to remember, “without agricultural, we have nothing, without agriculture, we are nothing”. The American Boer Goat Association (ABGA) is a great representation of what agriculture is. This organization teaches young students about the importance of animals and how to properly care for them. We need more organizations such as the ABGA to share the importance of agriculture. I strive to share the importance of ag and continue to share with others why we must keep ag the focal point in everyday life. Related Posts
- Meet JABGA President: Madison Reis
Madison Reis spent much of her childhood entrenched in agriculture and showing alongside her grandparents in California. Meet JABGA President: Madison Reis Madison Reis spent much of her childhood entrenched in agriculture and showing alongside her grandparents in California. I first got into the goat world and stepped into the ring for the first time when I was around two years old. I had no clue what I was doing, but I held on to the end of the show lead and helped my gammo show that doe the best I could. Since that moment I have never looked back, and I took off and ran with goats. All the kids I went to school with growing up were interested and passionate about sports, but my heart and passion lay with the goats and the show ring. Every chance I got I was at the ranch with my grandparents doing whatever needed to be done around the barn. The older I got the more passionate I became about the Boer goat industry. I wanted to go to every show I could in order to work on my showmanship skills and to continue to better my herd and show string. By doing this I met so many amazing people and built a goat community across multiple states. Looking back when I was younger, I was just as passionate to help the youngers kids and watch them succeed as I am now. As I grew older, that passion just kept burning brighter and brighter, and I wanted to become more involved within the industry. The show community we have in California is a very tight knit group, and I have grown up showing with the kids within that community. I am one of the oldest junior members, and I have always wanted to set a good example for the younger members. This is where I really started to want to be more involved in JABGA so I could help more junior members. I have always been a helping hand, and people know that they can trust me to help with their kids or animals. In 2022 I applied to be on the Board of Directors for the JABGA, which was another way for me to become more involved and fulfill my passion for this association. Luckily, I was able to become a director and representative for JABGA Area 1. My first year on the Board of Directors I ran for an officer position to really show my passion and commitment to the association and its members. My second year on the board I was elected Vice President. Fast forward to the present in 2024 I reapplied to be on the Board of Directors, and luckily, I got reelected to be a director. I also was nominated and elected to be the President of JABGA. Looking back now my younger self would be so proud of how far I have come in this industry and the experiences and opportunities I have had all thanks to Boer goats and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Learn more about Madison Reis. Related Posts Jan 22, 2024 Applications Open for JABGA Board of Directors JABGA is now accepting JABGA Board of Directors nominations until March 1, 2024. Jul 9, 2022 Congratulations to the 2022-2023 JABGA Board of Directors Officers! The JABGA Board of Directors selected 2022-2023 officers as part of their annual Face-to-Face meeting on July 7, 2022. Feb 17, 2022 JABGA President Cecelia Knott's Showmanship Tip Check out this useful showmanship tip from JABGA Board President, Cecelia Knott.
The American Boer Goat Association: Protecting, Promoting, and Recording the American Boer Goat Breed.