🗓️ Starting January 1, 2025, the fee for an ABGA Adult Membership will increase to $75 per year. Read more
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- Meet 2023 National Show Superintendent Zeb James
Zeb James, who hails from East Tennessee, purchased his initial herd of commercial Boer goats in 2002 with a former high school peer. He became a member of the American Boer Goat Association in 2009, along with one of his students who was interested in the goat industry. Zeb's interest in agriculture began when he was young, participating in various 4-H events such as speaking contests, horse and livestock judging, and horticulture competitions. Despite losing access to livestock when his family moved to the city, Zeb remained determined to carry on the tradition of animal agriculture that his grandfather instilled in him. This led him to start his own farm, Russell Sons Farm, which was named after his grandfather who was a renowned figure in the dairy industry. In 2007, Zeb began working as an agricultural teacher and FFA advisor at Creek Wood High School in Middle Tennessee. He loves to help his students with different animal projects including the Broiler Chicken Project; a project where students raise meat chickens for a period of 6-7 weeks before exhibiting them at the end of the grow-out phase. He also helps his students raise and show hogs, chickens and cattle for 4-H and FFA competitions. Zeb also has a passion for goats and has been involved with the ABGA National Show for three years. He says that goats are a great animal for kids and families because they are friendly and easy to handle. He likes that the National Show offers many opportunities for the JABGA members to learn and grow, not just in showing goats but also in other skills like public speaking, judging and sales talk. He says that these skills will help them in their future careers and goat operations. Zeb also enjoys meeting other ABGA members from different states and making new friends. “The friendships formed from the National Show, and even other ABGA shows, are like family members. They are always there to give advice, assistance, and advocate for you and your operation; sometimes they even challenge you on things that later become huge blessings." #2023NationalShow #news
- Characteristics and Anatomy of the Boer Goat
The Boer goat is a standout breed with many characteristics that contribute to its profitability and value in agriculture. The Boer goat is commonly a goat with a white body and a red head. Docile, high fertility and a fast growth rate are some of the traits that set the Boer goat apart in the purebred and commercial segments of the American meat goat industry. Mature Does can weigh between 190- 230 pounds and mature Boer bucks can weigh between 200 and 340 pounds. The demand for high quality, lean, healthy red meat is the one of the underlining forces behind the development of the American meat goat industry. With an eager base of ethnic consumers, the demand for goat meat continues to grow in the United States each year. The importation of goat meat into the United States is estimated over 30 million dollars annually. Here are some of its most significant features: Exceptional hardiness allows for high resistance to disease, making it one of the hardiest livestock breeds. The Boer goat is adaptable to a wide range of climates and grazing conditions, thriving in challenging environments. They can survive in arid regions where other small stock cannot, even with limited access to drinking water. With their strong legs, they are efficient walkers that can navigate mountainous areas and dense shrubbery with ease. Boers consume browse that other livestock overlook, clearing undergrowth and maintaining vegetation balance, even in difficult terrain. They have a long lifespan and maintain fertility up to 10 years or more. Boer meat is in high demand in the US due to its low-fat content and healthful properties. It is equivalent to chicken in caloric value. The Boer goat has the highest dressed weight percentage of any mutton breed. Young Boer meat is tender and flavorful, with sufficient marbling and a pleasing texture. Boers are bred for dominance and carry superior genetic traits for goat ranching. The breed is also used internationally and in the US to improve other goat breeds through aggressive crossbreeding programs. Boer skin produces high-quality leather that is in high demand and can be sold at a premium price for use in shoes, gloves, and books. View the Anatomy of the Boer goat below.
- Visitor Information
ABGA Hotel Block List ABGA has blocked off 200 hotel rooms for 2023 National Show exhibitors and attendees. Book your hotel rooms today, because they will go fast! Be sure let your hotel know you're there for the 2023 ABGA & JABGA National Show! Camping & RV Parking Effective March 1, 2023 full payment will be required at the time RV reservations are made. This guarantees a 20/30 amp electrical service (50 amp service is offered on a first come, first serve basis), use of a dump station, place to fill or empty water tanks and access to the restrooms/ shower house located in the RV lot next to RV Office. More info below. Overnight stay in the show barn is permitted. If you are using a tent in the show barn, you must have a fire extinguisher and smoke alarm at your site at all times. CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR RV SPACE TODAY! Louisville is the largest city in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the 28th most populous city in the United States. Today, the city is known as the home of boxer Muhammad Ali, the Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Fried Chicken, the University of Louisville and its Cardinals, Louisville Slugger baseball bats, and three of Kentucky's six Fortune 500 companies. Hotels Near Kentucky Exposition Center You can find additional hotels near the Kentuck Exposition Center below. Hotels listed below may or may not be blocked for the Natonal Show. ABGA recommends you book with the hotels listed above to receive the National Show exhibitor and attendee rates. #2023NationalShow
- UPDATE: JABGA National Show Exhibitors
IMPORTANT UPDATES! JABGA Exhibitors must provide their birthdates when entering the National Show on Showman. Please login to showman.app to add or edit your Junior Exhibitors birthdate. JABGA Exhibitors entered into the Showmanship and Contest classes MUST wear shirts provided by Cowpokes Work & Western while competing in these events. If you haven't provided your shirt size in Showman, you still have time to update your entry. Login to your Showman account to add or edit your shirt size. #2023NationalShow #news
- Meet Your 2023 National Show Announcer: Matt Moravec
Matt Moravec is a renowned auctioneer who was born and raised in David City, Nebraska, where he still resides. His love for auctioneering and performing in front of live audiences is evident in his work, which was inspired by his father, who also runs an auction business. For 23 years, Matt has worked with Mecum Auctions, a collector and muscle car auction that is broadcasted on television. In 2022, Matt took on the role of announcer at the National Show and was invited back in 2023 for another year. Welcome back, Matt! #2023NationalShow #news
- Meet 2023 National Show Superintendent Tara Hicks
Tara Hicks has been selected as one of three 2023 ABGA and JABGA National Show Superintendents. This is not Tara’s first rodeo when it comes to the National Show Superintendent role. She was a 2022 National Show Superintendent and has previously hosted ABGA sanctioned shows. An ABGA member since 2014 and with over a decade of county fair superintendent experience, the driving force behind Tara’s agricultural involvement is youth exhibitors. “I love working with the youth and helping them develop skills they will use later in life. My absolute favorite thing at any show is Showmanship! I love watching the kids give it their all." Part of what makes Tara’s involvement with the ABGA and JABGA National Show so natural is the event’s evolution and focus to directly benefit JABGA youth exhibitors. Of course, the chance to network with other Boer goat breeders is a big bonus too. "Meeting producers from across the country is awesome also...because I don't make it to enough shows during the year to mingle much.” Tara doesn't only stick to Boer goats. She has a ton of show experience with 4-H, Brown Swiss cattle, registered Polled Hereford cattle, steers, commercial heifers, and market lambs. She owns Rock’N Heart Farms, a 30-acre spread in northwest Arkansas. She calls Rock'N Heart Farms “a little bit of a funny farm.” Rock'N Heart Farms runs around 40 head of goats, several breeds of cattle, and plenty of dogs, horses, and cats. Tara earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Missouri State University and currently works as a breeder supervisor for Simmons Foods, a poultry company that has branched into the pet food sector. #2023NationalShow #news
- ABGA Discounted Tickets: Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay
The American Boer Goat Association is thrilled to announce their collaboration with Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay in Louisville, Kentucky. To receive a discount on tickets, scan the QR code provided or check out KentuckyKingdom.com and follow the simple steps below. Take advantage of this offer on any regular operating day in 2023 and don't forget to use the code ABGA23 at checkout to claim your discount! #2023NationalShow #news
- 2023 National Show JABGA Contest Rules
JABGA National Show Contest Rules: Showmanship, sales talk, skill-a-thon, judging contest, public speaking, and more. #2023NationalShow
- Herd Prefix
If you're a breeder looking to register your animal(s) with ABGA, you'll need a unique Herd Prefix, which can be a combination of letters and/or numbers, between 3 and 5 characters. When you apply for a new ABGA Membership, you'll choose your Herd Prefix at no additional cost. Non-members will need to pay a $10 one-time filing fee. Your Herd Prefix will be used for animal identification by tattooing it in the right ear of each registered animal. How do I choose a Herd Prefix? Choose a unique Herd Prefix that represents your ranch or farm. For instance, if your ranch name is Johnson Ranch and you're located at 123 Main Street, you could choose JR123. But the choice is ultimately yours. Your Herd Prefix can be a word or words, or a series of numbers and/or letters. You cannot change your Herd Prefix once it's assigned, so we recommend providing at least three options in case your first choice is already taken by an existing ABGA member. Where and how do I tattoo the Herd Prefix? Tattoo the Herd Prefix in your goat's right ear, and ensure that it's done correctly to avoid any issues during registration. You can find more information about tattooing here. If you own the dam at the time of conception of the goat you are registering, you are the breeder. Therefore your Herd Prefix is what you will tattoo in your goat's right ear. If you purchased an unregistered goat on application, you must tattoo the breeder's Herd Prefix in your goat's right ear. One exception to this rule is when you have bought a bred or pregnant dam that gave birth while in your possession. In such a case, you can use your Herd Prefix. Ensure that you obtain a Service Memo from the breeder. Can I use the same Herd Prefix for my family or children? If you're a family with multiple members, you have the option to share the same Herd Prefix. Junior members can use the Herd Prefix assigned to an adult member residing in the same household and serving as their agent. Additional Information No herd prefix will be assigned that utilizes one letter followed by a number or series of numbers (example: D4 or R278). Once assigned, the herd prefix and tattoo sequence cannot be changed. Exception: Rule 212F (Rules & Regulations) An ABGA herd prefix may be reassigned in the case of court order, inheritance, or sale of herd prefix by submitting a completed ABGA Name & Herd Prefix Transfer Form and appropriate fee to the ABGA office.
- JABGA National Show Contest Day Prep
For our JABGA members, we have some essential information to help you get ready for contest day at the National Show. #2023NationalShow #news
- Entry Deadline Important Updates
⚠ The ABGA & JABGA National Show entry deadline is May 22, 2023, at 11:59pm CST. ⚠ Your entries and payment must be submitted by May 22, 2023 (11:59 PM CST) to avoid late fees. Late entries will be accepted after May 22 until June 1, 2023 (11:59pm CST) with added late fees. If your work order was in the office before the Herd Book deadline, but your goat is still not registered, your entry will be honored. Please use “PENDING” as the registration number and complete all other fields for your National Show entry on Showman.app. We are working hard to get your animals registered as soon as possible. If your animal’s registration application was not in the office, or registered by the Herd Book deadline, (May 15, 2023) but was entered in Showman, your animal will NOT be eligible for the National Show. Entries are non-refundable per the National Show Rules. Click here to enter the National Show #2023NationalShow #news
- National Show Livestream Advertising
Want your business advertised during the National Show live stream? If you missed your chance to sponsor the National Show, this is a great opportunity to get your business out there! The 2023 BAGA & JABGA National Show Livestream by Square One Agri Marketing will promote your ad during the entire week of the show for only $350! There will be a limited number of ad space available so act now! They will go fast. Your ad must be 3.5"W x 1.5"H, or 1050px X 450px, approximately business card size. Your ad will be rotated at the bottom right hand corner of the screen during the entirety of the National Show. We recommend displaying your business logo and business name in large font with a solid background. Keep your design clear, concise, and simple. Busy designs, too much text, and small fonts may be hard to read or see on smaller screens. Viewers may be watching on their mobile devices, tablets, or personal computers, so make sure your design scales on all screen sizes and is readable. Example ad: Click the button below to advertise at during the 2023 ABGA & JABGA National Show livestream! #2023NationalShow