This recipe is courtesy of former JABGA Area 4 Director Noah Ridding. You can find this and many other tasty recipes in the JABGA "Cooking for the Future", now available in our E-Store.
Curry Goat
½ CUP soy sauce
¼ CUP curry powder
¼ CUP chopped garlic
2 TBS chopped fresh basil
1 TBS crushed red pepper
1 TSP dried oregano
1 TSP ground black pepper
2 LBS goat meat, cut into 2” chunks
½ CUP oil
4 CUPS coconut onions
1 CUP chopped bell peppers
½ CUP chopped carrots
¼ CUP chopped green onions
For the marinade:
Mix soy sauce, curry powder, garlic, basil, crushed pepper, oregano, and black pepper in a large bowl
Add goat meat to the bowl and marinade overnight
For the curry:
Remove the goat from the marinade
Heat oil in a large pan and add the goat =. Turn the heat to medium and sear the goat until brown (about 15 minutes)
Add the coconut milk and 4 cups of water. Cover and cook about 2 hours.
Add the onions, bell peppers, carrots, green onions, and bay leaves; simmer for about 1 hour.
Serve with rice or with rice and peas.