Event: Judges Certification Training
Location: Des Moines, IA
Dates: April 26-27
Course Instructors: Josh Taylor and Bailey Bergherm
Cost: $50 – includes lunch both days
Registration: Showman.app
Schedule: Coming soon
The inaugural Judges Certification Training event will be held at the Area 2 Regional JABGA Show in Des Moines, IA, April 26-27. Certified judges Josh Taylor and Bailey Bergherm will lead this educational program designed to prepare participants to become ABGA certified judges, however anyone is welcome to attend.
Both Josh and Bailey are on the 2025 certification trainer team, so you will be learning from the same people that will be officials at the fall certification course. This two-day course will consist of classroom time discussing breed standards and oral reasons, plus extensive time at the regional show evaluating live animals.