On February 14th 1994, Charles Turner signed the Articles of Incorporation and our Boer Goat Association was born.
The following is a listing of the original Board of Directors:
Norman Kohls, Garden City, (Eldorado) Texas
Kim Halfmann, Garden City, Texas
Walter Pope, Sonora, Texas
Dian Naumann, Del Valle, Texas
Jimmy Day, Austin, Texas
Don Jackman, Campwood, Texas
Lou Nuti, Burton, Texas
Jane Meachem, Junction, Texas
Ernest Schwartz, Garden City, Texas
Star Keen, Mertzon, Texas
Charles Turner, Dublin, Texas
Buck Pruitt, Campwood, Texas
W.E. Whitehead, Sonora, Texas
Sammy Helmes, Girvin, Texas
Mike Masters, Ft. Worth, Texas
Mary Powis, Alachua, Florida
Steve Quinn, Fayetteville, North Carolina
In the early days these founding fathers/mothers will all tell you it was struggle and it wasn’t easy to build this association! Due to the dedication of countless volunteers that manned the office, along with others that worked long hours and that went beyond just a call. All to the hard work and passion for the breed of the above individuals is the reasons we enjoy the fruits of their labor that we call the ABGA today.
For the past 29 years countless boards worked to further the Boer breed and make our association structurally sound. We have witnessed splinters from the association time and time again, all while we have continued to be strong and grow. All this has been accomplished through dedicated members and directors that practiced hard mental and physical responsibilities!
This year and like every other year we turn our attention to the current board and express a heartfelt gratitude for everything they do and continue to do to make this association better.
They are only continuing progress or correcting previous boards mistakes or discussions.
So have patience, kindness and love. We are only spectators to a much larger picture and never judge someone else until your ready to walk in their shoes.
So to each of you at the ABGA home office and our current BOD. On behalf of myself, my teams and our families at Ash Livestock & Ash Nutrition.
Happy Valentines Day & Founding Day ABGA
Thank you,
Dakota Ash & Family