🗓️ Starting January 1, 2025, the fee for an ABGA Adult Membership will increase to $75 per year. Read more
(From Rule 1200 in the ABGA Rules & Regulations).
A. ABGA Performance Test Requirements
i. The performance test must be open to buck kids only.
ii. The test must be conducted under the supervision of a disinterested agency, such as a State Agricultural Institution, State Extension Agency, etc.
iii. The test must be between 60 and 90 days long.
iv. Bucks must be less than 6 months old at the start of the test.
v. The test must be open to all who wish to participate and have qualifying animals.
vi. Testing procedures and any requested deviations from these requirements must be submitted in writing to the ABGA Board of Directors for approval at least 3 months prior to the start of the test.
vii. A final Test Report, including the total number of animals on test well as the total number of ABGA registered animals on test, will be submitted by the test supervision to the ABGA Office withing 90 days of the conclusion of the test.
viii. The final test report must include the following data for each AGBA registered animal on test:
a. ABGA Registration number.
b. Name, as registered with ABGA.
c. Tattoos
d. Date of Birth.
e. Owner.
f. Date weighed and animal weight at the start of the test period.
g. Date weighed and animal weight at the end of the test period.
h. Calculated Average Daily Gain (ADG) used to determine ADG ranking.
ix. It is suggested but not required that when available, the following end of test data also be included in the final test report for each ABGA registered animal on test:
a. Birth type.
b. Rib eye area.
c. Loin eye area.
d. Rear leg circumference.
e. Fat thickness.
f. Scrotal circumference.
g. Height at withers.
h. Feed efficiency.
i. final animal index score.
x. It is suggested but not required that at least 4 animals by one sire be entered in the same test.
B. Performance Test Support (All performance test support is at the discretion of ABGA)
i. Performance test support will be available only to performance tests approved by ABGA in accordance with Rule 1200.A after January 1, 2014.
ii. ABGA will provide monetary support to the testing agency to be allocated to awards.
iii. ABGA will provide cash payouts for the top performing ABGA registered Fullblood or Purebred bucks entered in ABGA approved performance tests.
C. Ennobled Herd Book Points
i. Only bucks entered under their ABGA registration number in an approved Performance Test, will be eligible to earn points from a Performance Test as described in the ABGA Criteria for Ennoblement of a Boer Goat. (See Rule 1000, Ennoblement Program).
ii. Points for approved Performance Tests will be awarded to top performing Fullblood or Purebred bucks based on their Average Daily Gain (ADG) ranking among the other Fullblood and Purebred bucks on test, according to the following chart:

iii. Additional points for ABGA approved Performance Tests will be awarded to top performing bucks, based on individual Average Daily Gain (ADG), using the following schedule:
a. Bucks gaining 0.55 lbs./day to less than 0.60 lbs./day shall be awarded 1 point.
b. Bucks gaining 0.60 lbs./day to less than 0.65 lbs./day shall be awarded 2 points.
c. Bucks gaining 0.65 lbs./day to less than 0.70 lbs./day shall be awarded 3 points.
d. Bucks gaining 0.70 lbs./day to less than 0.75 lbs./day shall be awarded 4 points.
e. Bucks gaining 0.75 lbs./day to less than 0.80 lbs./day shall be awarded 5 points.
f. Bucks gaining 0.80 lbs./day or more shall be awarded 6 points, plus an additional 1 point for each additional 0.01 lbs./day over 0.80 lbs./day.
iv. Example: If a buck is ranked 1st on test with an ADG of 0.92 lbs./day in an approved Performance Test having a total of 20 Fullblood or Purebred bucks on test, he shall be awarded 10 points as allowed in 1200.C.ii, as well as an additional 18 points as allowed in 1200.C.iii, for a total of 28 points.