🗓️ Starting January 1, 2025, the fee for an ABGA Adult Membership will increase to $75 per year. Read more
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- American Boer Goat Registry | American Boer Goat Association | United States
It's Time to Renew! Renew your membership before January 1 to be a member in good standing. Members in good standing will have voting rights for new board members, can run for a Board of Directors seat, and actively participate in changes to the Bylaws. Renew today! BANDERAS BÓER The American Boer Goat Association will protect the core values and traits that make the Boer Goat the premier meat goat breed in America through promotion and recording of the breed. BANDERAS BÓER Winter Board of Directors Face-to-Face Day 1 Dec 17, 2024 10 Important Update: ABGA Adult Membership Fee Increase Effective January 1, 2025 Dec 9, 2024 90 2024 Board of Directors Winter Face-to-Face Dec 3, 2024 1275 Load More NUESTROS COMPAÑEROS iCompete Renew your membership, register and transfer animals, download temporary certificates, view show results, and more! Go to iCompete Submit Work Need to submit registration docs, transfer forms, changes to your ABGA account, or additional tasks for the ABGA office to complete? Submit a Work Order Join ABGA Annual Adult Memberships run from January 1 to December 31, and are $60 annually. Join ABGA Renew your membership Renew with your existing email on file with our new member software iCompete. Renew Request DNA Testing Members and non-members can request DNA testing at a set price from ABGA and UC Davis. Request DNA View Show Results View past ABGA & JABGA Sanctioned and Regional Show results on iCompete. See results Office Updates Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. The office is currently working on work orders received on: December 16, 2024 Updated 12/17/2024 Dec 17, 2024 Winter Board of Directors Face-to-Face Day 1 Dec 9, 2024 Important Update: ABGA Adult Membership Fee Increase Effective January 1, 2025 Dec 3, 2024 2024 Board of Directors Winter Face-to-Face View all Office Updates
- Submit a Work Order | ABGA
Submit a Work Order Submit registration documents, forms, changes to your ABGA account, and additional tasks for the ABGA office to complete. Para garantizar la autenticidad, la ABGA solo aceptará FOTOS de los Certificados de Registro. No aceptaremos certificados escaneados. Siga los pasos a continuación antes de enviar un Certificado de registro. Dec 16, 2024 Para garantizar la autenticidad, la ABGA solo aceptará FOTOS de los Certificados de Registro. No aceptaremos certificados escaneados. Siga los pasos a continuación antes de enviar un Certificado de registro. ¿Presentación de un certificado de registro? Para garantizar la autenticidad, la ABGA solo aceptará FOTOS de los Certificados de Registro. No aceptaremos certificados escaneados. Siga los pasos a continuación antes de enviar un Certificado de registro.
- iCompete | ABGA
iCompete Find iCompete updates, how-to videos, report an issue and more. Go to iCompete Report a Problem Watch Tutorials View Updates New to iCompete? Check out these step-by-step tutorial to get you started. More tutorials coming soon! How to Transfer a Goat on iCompete How to Sign Up for iCompete & Renew Your Membership How to Register a Percentage Goat with an Unregistered Dam Next Back iCompete News & Updates My Animals list: Search and Sort Options READ MORE Nov 27, 2024 Viewing Progeny Points on iCompete READ MORE Nov 21, 2024 iCompete Update: Registrations are now fully automated! READ MORE Nov 13, 2024 Renew You ABGA Membership on iCompete READ MORE Oct 3, 2024 Next Back Updates on iCompete Technical Issues and Features These are the major issues or missing features with iCompete. We are working through smaller bugs on the member and staff side of iCompete that shouldn't affect registrations. Please report any issues you are having with registrations that are not listed below by clicking the Report a Problem button above. The "BLUE SCREEN" is no longer being updated or supported. iCompete is an all-in-one solution that includes registry, competition and shows, and research. You will no longer need two logins to manage your herd and data. You can view the new Herd Book by logging into your iCompete account and clicking the Herd Book button. Data Errors. Due to more than 13 million animals, plus member and show data being transferred to our new system, some data transferred over incorrectly. No data was lost. We are working on getting that data corrected. If you see incorrect information on your account or owned animals, click the Report a Problem button and let us know. Herd Book Updates. We are currently working on the Herd Book, and archived show and points data to reflect more data, as it did on the "blue screen." Please allow some time for these updates to be made. Listing Papers. We are unable to print listing papers at this time. If you have trouble registering a listing paper animal, or trouble registering offspring from a listing paper animal, please contact the office. Herd Disposal/Management . Marking your animal as deceased is available. We are still working on marking your animals as "sold without papers" or "sold with papers" to remove them from your herd. Transactions. There is currently no transactions page for members. If you would like a report of your transactions, please contact the ABGA office. This feature is currently being worked on. Payment for work done in the office. The iCompete developers are currently working on a payment system for work done in the office. Currently, you will receive an invoice in your email if you did not provide payment up front. Adult members can register for their Junior accounts again. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
- Show Class Calculator | American Boer Goat Association | United States
Clase Rango de nacimiento Fecha de inicio Fecha final 0 a menos de 3 meses 3 a menos de 6 meses 6 a menos de 9 meses 9 a menos de 12 meses 12 a menores de 16 meses 16 a menos de 20 meses 20 a menos de 24 meses 24 a menos de 36 meses 36 más meses fecha de inicio fecha de inicio fecha de inicio fecha de inicio fecha de inicio fecha de inicio fecha de inicio fecha de inicio fecha de inicio fecha final fecha final fecha final fecha final fecha final fecha final fecha final fecha final fecha final The Show Class Calculator tells you which class to enter each age of goat in. All you need to do choose the show date on the calendar, and the calculator will calculate the age break of your goats at selected show date. Show Class Calculator Determine the birth date range of a goat required to enter a show class based on the date of the show.
- Membership Renewal | American Boer Goat Association | United States
Membership Renewal Membership with the American Boer Goat Association has its benefits for you and your herd. To ensure uninterrupted access to these benefits, renew your membership today. Renewing can be done online on your iCompete account or by printing and completing the renewal form. Renew on iCompete Renewing your account on iCompete is the recommended way to renew. Your membership is renewed instantly, and you will have immediate access to your iCompete account. Go to iCompete Haven't setup your iCompete account yet? Click HERE for instructions, or visit our iCompete page for tutorials, and more! Don't plan on using iCompete? Download a fillable PDF renewal form HERE , or click the button below to renew using our digital form. Renew
- Tattoo Guidelines | American Boer Goat Association | United States
Todas las cabras deben estar tatuadas en el momento de la solicitud de registro. Cada cabra debe tener una secuencia de tatuaje única. El PREFIJO DEL REBAÑO del solicitante se tatuará en la oreja derecha de todas las cabras presentadas para el registro. (Si una hembra se vende a un nuevo propietario durante la preñez, las crías resultantes de esa preñez deberán tener el prefijo del rebaño del propietario de la hembra en broma tatuado en la oreja derecha de cada cría presentada para el registro). En la oreja izquierda de todos los chivos que se presenten para el registro, se tatuará una letra para indicar el año de nacimiento del animal, seguida de un número de serie para designar el orden de nacimiento. ( Ver letras de tatuaje ABGA ). ABGA no registrará ninguna cabra con el mismo tatuaje (combinación de tatuajes en la oreja derecha e izquierda) dentro de un período de 22 años. La identificación con microchip implantado de forma permanente será aceptada por ABGA como identificación oficial además de, o en lugar de, los tatuajes. Letras de tatuaje ABGA 2025 R 2024 P 2023 N 2022 M 2021 L Year Letter Vista Consejos para tatuar con éxito a sus cabras Cabestro o bozal al animal, si es necesario. Inserte los símbolos correctos en los alicates. Compruebe la exactitud de los símbolos haciendo una marca en una hoja de papel. Frote la tinta en la piel, eligiendo un área libre de pecas y verrugas, si es posible. Coloque los símbolos paralelos y entre las venas o el cartílago de la oreja o las venas de la red de la cola. La pasta verde es mucho mejor para la identificación de tatuajes permanentes, particularmente cuando el tejido que recibe el tatuaje es negro o muy oscuro. No toque el área hasta que se complete el proceso de curación, que puede ser de cinco a veintiún días. Mantenga una lista de números de tatuajes con nombres de animales e ingréselo en su registro de cría privado. Para leer el tatuaje en un animal de orejas oscuras, sostenga una linterna encendida contra la parte exterior de la oreja. Equipo necesario: bicarbonato de sodio, dígitos para tatuajes, números y alfabeto, tinta para tatuajes (pasta o roll-on; el verde es el más versátil), alicates para tatuajes, toallitas húmedas, cepillo de dientes y toalla. Limpia el oído. Frote la mitad de la oreja con una toallita. Seque bien la oreja. Aplicar tinta en la oreja. Tatúa la oreja con unos alicates para tatuajes. Empuje hacia abajo con fuerza. El prefijo del rebaño va en el oído derecho, y la letra del año y el número de la cabra van en el oído izquierdo. Aplique más tinta. Aplica bicarbonato de sodio. Aplique bicarbonato de sodio en el área tatuada. Producto terminado después de un año. Tattoo Guidelines ABGA identifies animals by their left and right ear tattoos These tattoos must follow ABGA rules and guidelines.
- Boer Goat Nation | American Boer Goat Association | San Angelo
Boer Goat Nation, hosted by Drew Williams, is a podcast designed to promote the Boer goat breed, the industry, and the hard-working people that make the industry great. Boer Goat Nation is broadcast via Facebook Live every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM CST. You can find them on Facebook HERE. In an effort to improve communication and open engagement with nearly 10,000 ABGA members and industry partners, the ABGA Board of Directors is excited to be partnering with Boer Goat Nation. The Board of Directors has committed to participating in the podcast once a month to share updates and progress within ABGA and JABGA and share highlights from our published minutes from the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors. You can watch the monthly updates below. ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - Winter Face-to-Face Recap Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Dec 6, 2023 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - July 25, 2023 Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Jul 25, 2023 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - Summer Face-to-Face Recap Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Jul 17, 2023 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - July 11, 2023 Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Jul 11, 2023 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - May 30, 2023 Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. May 30, 2023 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - April 25, 2023 Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Apr 25, 2023 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - March 28 Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Mar 28, 2023 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - Feb. 28th Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Feb 28, 2023 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - Jan. 31 Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Jan 31, 2023 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - Dec. 20 Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Dec 21, 2022 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - Dec. 13 Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Dec 14, 2022 Watch the Podcast ABGA on Boer Goat Nation - Nov. 15 Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. Nov 16, 2022 Watch the Podcast
- ABGA Approved Judges | American Boer Goat Association | United States
ABGA Approved Judges View the list of American Boer Goat Association approved judges. Search by state or name to view the judges in your area. Don't see your name on the approved judges list, or need to update your contact information? Contact the ABGA office. Vista Descargue una lista imprimible de jueces aprobados Jueces aprobados por ABGA Mike Stiefel Alabama mstiefel1@aol.com 256-689-8153 Mark A. Berry Arkansas berrysghfarm@gmail.com Cell: 870-828-1734 Fax: 870-356-4677 David Carwell Arkansas david@bdgenetics.com Cell: 870-318-0307 Warren Thigpen Arkansas warrenthigpen@gmail.com Cell: 210-414-3218 Patrick Aliff California wpaliff@gmail.com Cell: 304-888-6537 Pat Ariaz California patariaz@yahoo.com Home: 209-852-9606 Cell: 209-969-4307 Dr. Shelby A. Gough California shelbyarmstrong1@gmail.com Cell: 503-756-2817 Stephanie Jefferson California hjboergoats@yahoo.com Cell: 209-614-5664 Home: 209-840-8214 Mike Reis California msrreis@yahoo.com 707-483-6303 Derrick Brown Colorado masterpiecegenetics1019@gmail.com 970-217-7296 Olivia Rush Colorado oliviarush3@gmail.com 215-589-4435 Dr. Jennifer Wagester Colorado jwagester@wagester.net 517-526-1152 Página siguiente > < Página anterior JUDGES CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Judges Certification Sign-Up Are you over 21 years of age, or will you be 21 years of age as of the first day of the Judges Certification Course? * Yes No Vista Vista Last Name Vista Street Address Line 2 City Utah Utah Texas Tennesse Dakota del Sur Do you breed and/or show Boer goats, or have you previously at any time bred and/or shown Boer goats? * Breed Show Both How familiar are you with ABGA’s Rules and Regulations? * Very Somewhat Not Familiar How familiar are you with ABGA Sanctioned Show Rules? * Very Somewhat Not Familiar How familiar are you with JABGA Regional Show Rules? * Very Somewhat Not Familiar How familiar are you with ABGA Breed Standards? * Very Somewhat Not Familiar Dakota del Sur I agree to consent to a background check once I am certified as an ABGA Judge. Pay Now This form has reached the maximum amount of submissions. Thank you for you interest in becoming an ABGA Judge. Thanks for submitting! The program will take place on the first weekend in November at: Tarleton State University Agriculture Center 1091 County Road 518 Stephenville, Texas 76401 ABGA Certified Judge nominees must be ABGA members in good standing and over the age of 21 as of the first day of the Judges Certification Program. JUDGES RESOURCES Download Judges Show Ring Protocol Download ABGA Breed Standards Download Boer Goat Anatomy Download Meat Goat Judging Terminology Download Code of Ethics Download ABGA Rules & Regulations Download ABGA Sanctioned Show Rules Download JABGA Regional Show Rules Download JABGA Sanctioned Show Rules Download Concurrent Show Rules Download Visual Inspection Form
- Affiliates | American Boer Goat Association | United States
NUESTROS AFILIADOS El programa de afiliados de ABGA es una asociación entre los clubes regionales de cabras y ABGA. Con el rápido crecimiento de la industria de la carne de cabra, los clubes locales de carne de cabra y de cabra Boer tienen un papel cada vez mayor en la educación, el marketing y la promoción. Estos grupos locales desempeñan un papel esencial en la promoción de la industria y la educación de los criadores.
- Videos | American Boer Goat Association | United States
All Videos Reproducir video Reproducir video 02:44 How to Transfer a Goat on iCompete Reproducir video Reproducir video 04:07 How to Register a Goat with Two Registered Parents on iCompete Reproducir video Reproducir video 03:49 Registering Embryo Transfer (ET)/Flush kids on iCompete Reproducir video Reproducir video 04:18 Registering a Percentage Goat with an Unregistered Dam Considere donar a la American Boer Goat Foundation How-To Reproducir video Reproducir video 03:42 How to Sign up for iCompete and Renew Your ABGA Membership iCompete, will fully replace ILR2 and the Blue Screen. iCompete is equipped to handle ABGA memberships, renewals, registry work, and show points within a single platform for all members. ABGA hopes iCompete will provide a more user-friendly and streamlined interface for members, making it easier to manage and utilize your ABGA membership. ABGA is rolling out iCompete in three phases. Members will only be able to renew their membership and view animals they own during Phase 1. Phase 2 & 3 will be announced in the near future. Reproducir video Reproducir video 01:51 Renew Your ABGA Membership on iCompete With the new year quickly approaching, it's time to renew your ABGA membership. Renew before January 1, 2024, to gain voting rights for new board members, run for a Board of Directors seat, and actively participate in changes to the Bylaws. Reproducir video Reproducir video 04:07 How to Register a Goat with Two Registered Parents on iCompete Reproducir video Reproducir video 02:44 How to Transfer a Goat on iCompete HOW-TO'S Considere donar a la American Boer Goat Foundation 2023 ABGA & JABGA National Show Reproducir video Reproducir video 03:43:12 JABGA Market Animal Show - Part 1 Reproducir video Reproducir video 07:04:20 JABGA Market Animal Show - Part 2 Reproducir video Reproducir video 15:04 JABGA Bred & Owned Show - PeeWee Showmanship Reproducir video Reproducir video 03:29:10 JABGA Bred & Owned Show - Part 1 Interviews & More Reproducir video Reproducir video 16:33 ABGA National Show 2022 Interview with Judge Phil Myers ABGA Executive Director Katie Carruth spoke with Judge Phil Myers about what goes into being a judge at the national show. Reproducir video Reproducir video 33:59 Interview with American Boer Goat Association Executive Director: Kathryn Carruth An energetic entrepreneur and seasoned non-profit manager, Carruth’s global agricultural knowledge brings a wealth of experience and leadership to American Boer Goat Association (ABGA). She has a passion for the livestock industry and engaging members for positive change. She and her family are relocating to San Angelo from Colorado where she has served as ED for the LEAD (Learning and Educating About Disabilities) Foundation and before that, as ED for American National CattleWomen (ANCW). ANCW is a nationwide membership-based, trade association and foundation which lobbies for and educates about the United States beef industry. Carruth holds a M.Sc. in International Rural Development: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security from the Royal Agricultural College, UK and has a B.Sc. from Texas Tech University in Agricultural Communications. She brings a tremendous communication skill set with experience as a former TV reporter and public relations professional for multiple philanthropic organizations. She brings a fresh and innovative perspective to the opportunities ABGA faces today and into the future. Her deep and broad business acumen and livestock industry experience will help drive solutions for the challenging initiatives ABGA is committed to achieving. Reproducir video Reproducir video 00:58 ABGA @ The World Championship BBQ Goat Cook Off We are at the 47th annual World Championship BBQ Goat Cook Off this Labor Day weekend in Brady, Texas. INTERVIEWS & MORE 2022 National Show Reproducir video Reproducir video 08:14:40 ABGA National Show 2022 - Day 1 - Second Half Live from Fonner Park in Grand Island, NE Reproducir video Reproducir video 05:05:48 ABGA National Show 2022 - Day 3 Live from Fonner Park in Grand Island, NE Reproducir video Reproducir video 07:49:02 ABGA National Show 2022 - Day 3 - Second Half Live from Fonner Park in Grand Island, NE Reproducir video Reproducir video 07:46:42 ABGA National Show 2022 - Day 4 Live from Fonner Park in Grand Island, NE Considere donar a la American Boer Goat Foundation 2021 National Show Reproducir video Reproducir video 07:49 ABGA National Show 2021 Highlight from the 2021 ABGA National Show in Grand Island, Nebraska. Reproducir video Reproducir video 07:12 ABGA National Show 2021 Hello and welcome to the highlight video from the first couple days from this year's ABGA National Show in Grand Island, Nebraska. Reproducir video Reproducir video 45:50 American Boer Goat Association National Show 2021 The American Boer Goat Association was in Grand Island, Nebraska from June 12th through the 18th. The following is a video from this year's show with interviews, from members, vendors, staff, and the board. We hope you enjoy it and please join us for next year's show. 2021 NATIONAL SHOW
- Contact | American Boer Goat Association | United States
Contact Us 9 AM - 5 PM (CT) • Monday - Friday Closed • Saturday - Sunday 325-486-ABGA (2242) mail@abga.org 325-486-BOER (2637) Submit a Work Order Frequently Asked Questions
- ABGA Store | ABGA
SHOP ABGA Caps/Headwear T-Shirts & Tops Socks Accessories + ABGA Store Shop the American Boer Goat Association Store for apparel and accessories. Browse our selection today and elevate your ABGA swag! Accessories Todos los productos Apparel Hats Write a Title Here Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust. Focus on what makes the business unique and how users can benefit from choosing it. Read More