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🗓️ Starting January 1, 2025, the fee for an ABGA Adult Membership will increase to $75 per year. Read more

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  • ABGA Approved Judges | American Boer Goat Association | United States

    The American Boer Goat Association provides a list of Certified and Approved Judges nationwide who are qualified to judge ABGA and JABGA sanctioned shows. ABGA also holds Judges Certification Courses to educate and certify official JABGA judges. ABGA Approved Judges View the list of American Boer Goat Association approved judges. Search by state or name to view the judges in your area. Don't see your name on the approved judges list, or need to update your contact information? Contact the ABGA office. Vista Descargue una lista imprimible de jueces aprobados Jueces aprobados por ABGA Mike Stiefel Alabama 256-689-8153 Mark A. Berry Arkansas Cell: 870-828-1734 Fax: 870-356-4677 David Carwell Arkansas Cell: 870-318-0307 Warren Thigpen Arkansas Cell: 210-414-3218 Patrick Aliff California Cell: 304-888-6537 Pat Ariaz California Home: 209-852-9606 Cell: 209-969-4307 Dr. Shelby A. Gough California Cell: 503-756-2817 Mike Reis California 707-483-6303 Olivia Rush Colorado 215-589-4435 Dr. Jennifer Wagester Colorado 517-526-1152 Glenda Wilcox Colorado 307-299-4602 Rodney Wilson Jr. Delaware 302-727-3720 Página siguiente > < Página anterior JUDGES CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Judges Certification Sign-Up Are you over 21 years of age, or will you be 21 years of age as of the first day of the Judges Certification Course? * Yes No Vista Vista Last Name Vista Street Address Line 2 City Utah Utah Texas Tennesse Dakota del Sur Do you breed and/or show Boer goats, or have you previously at any time bred and/or shown Boer goats? * Breed Show Both How familiar are you with ABGA’s Rules and Regulations? * Very Somewhat Not Familiar How familiar are you with ABGA Sanctioned Show Rules? * Very Somewhat Not Familiar How familiar are you with JABGA Regional Show Rules? * Very Somewhat Not Familiar How familiar are you with ABGA Breed Standards? * Very Somewhat Not Familiar Dakota del Sur I agree to consent to a background check once I am certified as an ABGA Judge. Pay Now This form has reached the maximum amount of submissions. Thank you for you interest in becoming an ABGA Judge. Thanks for submitting! The program will take place on the first weekend in November at: Tarleton State University Agriculture Center 1091 County Road 518 Stephenville, Texas 76401 ABGA Certified Judge nominees must be ABGA members in good standing and over the age of 21 as of the first day of the Judges Certification Program. JUDGES RESOURCES Download Judges Show Ring Protocol Download ABGA Breed Standards Download Boer Goat Anatomy Download Meat Goat Judging Terminology Download Code of Ethics Download ABGA Rules & Regulations Download ABGA Sanctioned Show Rules Download JABGA Regional Show Rules Download JABGA Sanctioned Show Rules Download Concurrent Show Rules Download Visual Inspection Form

  • American Boer Goat Registry | American Boer Goat Association | United States

    American Boer Goat Association: Protecting, promoting, and recording the American Boer Goat breed. 2025 ABGA & JABGA National Show May 28 - June 8, 2025 Kentucky Exposition Center • Louisville, Kentucky More info BANDERAS BÓER The American Boer Goat Association will protect the core values and traits that make the Boer Goat the premier meat goat breed in America through promotion and recording of the breed. BANDERAS BÓER Open Meeting 03-11-2025 Mar 5, 2025 29 ABGA Now Accepting 2025 Scholarship Applications Mar 5, 2025 94 2025 Ambassador of the Breed Feb 28, 2025 178 Load More NUESTROS COMPAÑEROS iCompete Renew your membership, register and transfer animals, download temporary certificates, view show results, and more! Go to iCompete Submit Work Need to submit registration docs, transfer forms, changes to your ABGA account, or additional tasks for the ABGA office to complete? Submit a Work Order Join ABGA Annual Adult Memberships run from January 1 to December 31, and are $75 annually. Join ABGA Renew your membership Renew with your existing email on file with our new member software iCompete. Renew Request DNA Testing Members and non-members can request DNA testing at a set price from ABGA and UC Davis. Request DNA View Show Results View past ABGA & JABGA Sanctioned and Regional Show results on iCompete. See results Office Updates Keep up with announcements, reminders, events, and more from the ABGA office. The office is currently working on work orders received on: February 28, 2025 Updated 3/7/2025 Mar 5, 2025 Open Meeting 03-11-2025 Mar 5, 2025 ABGA Now Accepting 2025 Scholarship Applications Feb 28, 2025 2025 Ambassador of the Breed View all Office Updates

  • Submit a Work Order | ABGA

    Need to submit registration docs, transfer forms, changes to your ABGA account, or additional tasks for the ABGA office to complete? Complete the work order form, and upload your documents. Submit a Work Order Submit registration documents, forms, changes to your ABGA account, and additional tasks for the ABGA office to complete. Para garantizar la autenticidad, la ABGA solo aceptará FOTOS de los Certificados de Registro. No aceptaremos certificados escaneados. Siga los pasos a continuación antes de enviar un Certificado de registro. Feb 28, 2025 Para garantizar la autenticidad, la ABGA solo aceptará FOTOS de los Certificados de Registro. No aceptaremos certificados escaneados. Siga los pasos a continuación antes de enviar un Certificado de registro. ¿Presentación de un certificado de registro? Para garantizar la autenticidad, la ABGA solo aceptará FOTOS de los Certificados de Registro. No aceptaremos certificados escaneados. Siga los pasos a continuación antes de enviar un Certificado de registro.

  • Ambassador Of The Breed | American Boer Goat Association | United States

    The American Boer Goat Association celebrates and recognizes those who help to promote the American Boer Goat Breed. Congratulations to our past and future Ambassadors of the Breed. Ambassador of the Breed The American Boer Goat Association honors and appreciates individuals who contribute to promoting the American Boer Goat Breed. Every year, our members nominate candidates for the ABGA's Ambassador of the Breed, who are then recognized at the ABGA & JABGA National Show. 2024 Terry & Sue Taylor 2023 Randy & Cindy Dusek 2022 Don Smith 2021 Eddie Holland Joetta Boyd Carol DeLobbe Terry Brown MD Shurley Ervin Chavana 2020 No nominees due to COVID19 2019 Coni Ross Fred Homeyer Joe Tipton 2018 Bob Duke 2017 The Ryals Family 2016 Jim & Lynn Farmer 2015 John & Jackie Edwards Preston Faris 2014 Buck Pruitt Jane Meacham Jimmy Day F. Dian Newman Kim Halfmann Dr. Lou Nuti Sammy Helmers Ernest Schwartz Don Jackman Mary Powis Stan Keen Walter Pope III Norman Kohls Charles Turner Mike Masters W.E. Whitehead 2013 Dr. Frank Pinkerton Marvin Shurley The Kearney Family Dr. Frank Craddock La Asociación Estadounidense de Cabra Boer celebra y reconoce a quienes ayudan a promover la Raza de Cabra Boer Estadounidense. ¡Felicidades a nuestros pasados y futuros Embajadores de la Raza! 2025 Ambassador of the Breed Nominate Your Candidate! Get Started! We are taking nominations for this year’s Ambassador of The Breed! Nominations must be received by March 28, 2025. Current Board members are ineligible for nomination and/or to nominate a candidate. Only one (1) person, partnership, or family will be eligible per year.

  • DNA | ABGA

    The American Boer Goat Association and UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL) celebrate 10 years of successful partnership. To enhance breeding programs, ABGA transitions to advanced SNP analysis, leveraging UC Davis VGL's expertise in modern genetic technologies. DNA The American Boer Goat Association and UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL) celebrate 10 years of successful partnership. Over 29,000 Boer goats have been DNA tested using STR technology. To enhance breeding programs, ABGA transitions to advanced SNP analysis, leveraging UC Davis VGL's expertise in modern genetic technologies. What's New Request DNA Testing Sample Collection + shipping Transitioning to SNP DNA FAQ Updates As of September 1, 2021, all DNA is voluntary. Watch our DNA FAQ with DNA Chairman Paige Gunderson, DNA Co-chair Kyle Tate, Executive Director Caleb Boardman, and ABGA staff & DNA Coordinator Jaelynn Reyes. Watch now All pending STR tests will need to be fulfilled by April 1, 2024. This is for those that submitted a request for DNA testing but have not sent a sample to UC Davis. If you already have an STR test on file, you can upgrade to an SNP test without needing to submit a new hair sample, provided there is enough sample available for retesting. However, if the sample is degraded or insufficient for additional testing, a new sample will be required. In such cases, the labs will notify you accordingly. Turnaround time can vary depending on the sample volume of the laboratory, the quality of the sample submitted and if repeat testing has to be performed. Typically, from the time the laboratory receives the sample until the parentage is reported it takes around 10-14 business days. Delays can also occur if the sample volume for testing is low as samples need to be processed 24 at a time. ABGA has allocated $100,000 for the transition from STR to SNP testing. ABGA is offering a $50 voucher to the first 2,000 members who apply. Each membership is limited to one $50 voucher, which must be used before July 1, 2025. You my choose to use your voucher at checkout. Leftover funds will be re-evaluated after July 1, 2025. SNP Test $62 Per Animal SNP is often referred to as “snip.” This newer and more modern type of marker analysis is currently used in today’s industry and genetic market. When a sample is tested with SNPs, there are roughly 200 markers that the lab views to compare with another animal’s markers to determine parent verification. This allows differentiation between full-sibling parents during verification that STR testing could not do. SNP + STR Test $96 Per Animal Parent Qualification requires the parent to be SNP tested. If your offspring's parents were tested prior to February 2025, you must upgrade the parents test to the updated SNP technology or request the STR & SNP combo for your requested offspring. Request DNA Testing Identification All goats' DNA tested through ABGA must be registered, and have ABGA identification such as their name and identifying marks, tattoos, or microchip number. Parent Qualification If you are requesting parent qualification, check Yes under the question Are you requesting Parent Qualification, and complete the Sire and/or Dam name and registration number. Processing Time UC Davis will email your DNA Sample Instructions to your email address within three (3) business days of ONLINE and/or mailed submission to ABGA. If you did not provide an email address, the DNA Sample Instructions will be mailed to you. If you do not receive your DNA Sample Instructions within 3 business days, CHECK YOUR JUNK EMAIL. If it is not there, contact the ABGA office at (325) 486-2242, or email . UC Davis will process SNP samples once they have fulfilled the 24-sample requirement. Once the SNP Chip is run and no additional testing is needed, please allow 8-10 business days to process and submit the results report to ABGA. JABGA Medios de comunicación Sample Collection & Shipping Hair Hair root from coarse, longer hair often found over withers, chest, rump, tail, back of hind leg, poll, or fetlock is the preferred sample type for goats. 01 Clean (use comb if possible) by removing all loose hair and foreign matter. 02 Use fingers or pliers to grasp approximately 8-10 hairs close to the skin and pull. Pull (do NOT cut) hair strands. Examine the end of hair strands for presence of root bulbs. Hair roots are necessary for DNA testing. If the majority of hair strands lack the root bulbs, discard hair and start again. 03 Repeat until you have approximately 50-60 hairs with root follicles attached. 04 Place the 50-60 hairs with root follicles attached in a paper envelope and seal with the animal’s name, registration number, and your name written on the envelope 05 Repeat steps 1-4 for each additional animal being sampled. Note: Hair should be dry. If hair has excess dirt and debris, please brush out if possible before pulling hairs for sample. Do not cut the hair! The roots contain the DNA for testing. When sampling several animals in the same session, make sure that there are no hair strands in your hands to reduce the possibility of sample contamination. Clean hands and/or pliers if possible. Blood 01 UC Davis accepts blood collected on blood cards or whole blood in an EDTA tube. 02 If you are sending an EDTA tube, please include at least 3 mL of whole blood in and EDTA purple top, and ship overnight. Avoid shipping over weekends and holidays. 03 Label tubes and blood cards with the animal's name and registration number. Semen 01 Semen straws do not need to kept frozen for shipping, but should be shipped with a cold pack and protected similar to a vaccine. 02 Label your straw with the animal's name and registration number. 03 Store the semen straw(s) in a Ziploc type baggie to prevent leaks, and ship in a box to prevent damage to your sample(s). 04 Place the printed bar-coded submission form inside the box with your sample(s), and ship to the address provided to you in your email from UC Davis. Genetic Improvement SNP testing helps identify genetic markers associated with desirable traits such as milk production, growth rate, and disease resistance. This information can be used to select and breed goats with superior genetics. Parentage Verification It accurately determines the parentage of goats, which is crucial for maintaining pedigree records and ensuring the integrity of breeding programs. STR cannot differentiate between twins, or flush mates, while SNP can. Genetic Diversity SNP testing provides insights into the genetic diversity within and between goat populations. This is important for conservation efforts and for maintaining a healthy gene pool. Disease Resistance By identifying genetic variations linked to disease resistance, SNP testing can help in breeding goats that are more resilient to certain diseases, reducing the need for medical interventions. Economic Benefits Improved genetic selection can lead to higher productivity and better-quality products (e.g. meat), which can enhance the profitability of goat farming. Research and Development SNP data contributes to scientific research, helping to understand the genetic basis of various traits and improving breeding strategies. Transitioning to Advanced Genetic Analysis for Better Breeding Outcomes Beginning February 1, 2025, all DNA testing will move to a Single-nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis, commonly pronounced as “snip.” The American Boer Goat Association has been in partnership with UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL) for 10 years. Since our contract began, UC Davis VGL has tested and stored data and physical samples for over 29,300 ABGA animals using Short Tandem Repeat (STR) testing. To better serve our member’s breeding programs, the ABGA Board agreed to transition forward to a more comprehensive DNA analysis. SNP analysis represents a modern and advanced type of marker analysis widely utilized in today’s genetic industry and market, and UC Davis VGL has been an expert in SNP testing since the 1990s. While the current STR testing is satisfactory for parentage testing, SNP testing offers many more benefits including more accurate parentage verification and opportunities for future research to determine genomic predictors of tested animals. Benefits of SNP Testing DNA FAQ Is DNA mandatory? Per rule 801: As of September1, 2021, DNA testing will be on a voluntary basis. However, DNA testing must be requested and processed through the ABGA office to be eligible for use with ABGA registration. There may eventually be requirements for A.I. Sires, Walking Sires, Donor Dams, and A.I./E.T. kids, but no timeline has been established for DNA to be required at this time. What is the difference between STR and SNP, and why do we need to use SNPs now? STR (Short Tandem Repeat) analysis are markers that have been historically used to perform parentage verification. When a sample is tested with STR analysis, are compared to those of the parents to verify. SNP (Single-nucleotide Polymorphism) is often referred to as “snip.” It is a different type of marker that can also be used for parentage verification. When a sample is tested using SNPs, there are several hundred to thousands of places in the DNA that are assayed, and these are compared between offspring and parents. In addition, SNP collects over 70,000 different autosomal markers. Why was this DNA plan developed? Testing with SNPs provides for the opportunity to capture more information on each animal than was historically performed with STR testing. This may help to resolve cases of closely related individuals and may also help to build a database to allow further research and enable additional genetic/genomic selection tools If the ABGA elects to start developing expected progeny differences (EPDs)EPD’s, combining these with SNP data will provide a more accurate prediction of the animal's genetic potential. This plan was also developed to adopt technologies and build tools used throughout the livestock industry. The goal is to constantly improve Boer goat’s place in the industry and be able to provide more comprehensive and accurate information to our customers that allows them to be more confident in purchasing decisions. Our goal is to serve all our ABGA members and Boer Goat breeders. We welcome any questions so that we can help and advise you on the best plan for your operation. For more information contact . What is ABGA doing to support the transition from STR to SNP for members? In 2022, the Board of Directors committed $100,000 to aid in the transition of the DNA program. In 2025, this $100,000 will be utilized by offering a voucher of $50 per customer that can be used for any test, including upgrading from STR to SNP profiles, for the first 2000 customers. This voucher will be applied to the first invoice of each customer. If my sire/dam was already DNA typed with STR, do I still need to upgrade to SNP? Currently, when a sample is submitted for genotyping or parent verification, it will be tested for a panel of SNP markers. If the sire or dam was DNA typed with a STR profile, then they cannot be compared to an animal with a SNP profile, as these are two different types of markers (explained above). If you need parentage on an animal, it would be in your best interest to upgrade parent animals to a SNP profile, if you have not done so already. In 2025, ABGA is offering a voucher of $50 per customer that can be used for any test, including upgrading from STR to SNP profiles, for the first 2000 customers. Will I need to submit a new sample to upgrade from STR to SNP? Possibly. If you have already submitted a sample to UC Davis, it is likely that the sample can be upgraded from STR to SNP if there is enough remaining sample on file to do so. It is possible for samples to degrade over time. If a sample is degraded or there is insufficient sample remaining to do additional testing, a new sample would be required. The labs will send a notification of this if it does become the case. Will there be other markers beyond SNP that I will need to make another transition to in the future? This seems unlikely, given the nature of SNP markers and what we know about the genome of animals. However, technology advances and there may be other methodologies developed to generate the data. Most laboratories are selecting a core set of markers to use moving forward and likely, as technologies change, these markers will remain the same. Is there the possibility that there could be newer, more advanced, even more accurate technology in the future? Yes. But as it currently stands, SNP analysis are the markers and the methodology that is being used, and it appears it will stay that way for the foreseeable future. What does the DNA test do for me? It identifies the specific genotypes of many markers across the DNA of the goat you have tested. It allows for parent verification and future verification of that goat as the parent of any kid(s). It will show on your goat’s registration papers, and on online searches people do, that your goat’s identity is verified and recorded through the DNA test, preserving the integrity of our breed. It will allow you to show your goat’s parentage has been verified, if you have requested parent verification. Will DNA be used for research? Yes. UC Davis retains the right to use all samples stored at the VGL for research. Research and the benefits that it can provide to producers is the main focus of the program for the ABGA. As more members participate in the DNA testing program, this will make meaningful research a reality for our animals for the first time. Who owns the DNA sample? All DNA samples submitted through the registry are considered the registry’s samples, however, all samples are stored at UC Davis VGL, and the VGL retains the right to use any samples stored for research purposes. For contract customer registries like ABGA, the registry has ultimate ownership of the sample. The animal owner ordering the test receives the results of the DNA tests requested on their goats. This gives ABGA members the guarantee that should UC Davis requests to dispose of samples processed through ABGA requests, ABGA can move those samples to another facility so they are still available for research that will benefit all members. Should it matter to me that the ABGA shares ownership of the sample? Yes. It gives you the guarantee that your sample is safe, regardless of what UC Davis may decide in the future. It makes it easier and cheaper for members to DNA test their goats, and verify parentage, if they wish to do that. Who gets a copy of the DNA Report listing the Markers? For contract customer registries, like ABGA, the owner of the goat will receive a copy of the results to be kept with the animal, and the registry receives a copy of the results to be stored in the appropriate registry herd book. Can I get other animals' DNA results? No. Only the owner of the DNA sample can get that information. The member will need to contact the owner of the animal who is also the owner of the DNA to get those results. The DNA test results will stay with the animal. If you purchased an animal that has DNA on file you may request the DNA report per rule 805 “A copy of the official test report will be released to the current owner of record.” Can I submit DNA directly to UC Davis? You can submit directly to UC Davis for your own records, but unfortunately ABGA does not accept DNA results on samples that are submitted directly to UC Davis. UC Davis does not offer SNP testing directly to breeders. You may only request SNP testing through ABGA. Can the test tell me if my goat is a percentage or fullblood? No. With current information available, there is no way to tell what percentage Boer is in a goat. Is there an extra fee for parent verification? No. The ABGA included this service in our price for doing the DNA test. Will I be told who the parents are? Not exactly. You select who the possible parents are and request to verify parentage. Therefore, the results will show if those selected possible parents qualify as parents or if they are excluded as parents. Can I request parent verification of my goat(s) if I don’t own one of the parents? Yes, but only if you verify parentage through ABGA, the parents are registered and have been DNA tested through ABGA. The goat you are verifying parentage of must have some form of an ABGA registration or listing paper number and then all you need is the goat’s parents’ registration numbers to verify the parentage of your goat. If the goat’s parents have not been DNA tested, you would need to order DNA test sample kits on the parents as well as the goat at the same time. If you verify through UC Davis, and/or your goat’s parents have not been DNA tested through ABGA, you must have the VGL Case ID number from their owner. Do I need to keep a sample of the hair? Both UC Davis and ABGA suggest that when you pull a sample to send in for testing, you pull another sample. Place it in an envelope the same way you do the sample you’re sending in and write the identifying information on the envelope. Store it in a DRY, safe place. The best protection of your sample is to leave it in storage at UC Davis where there are documented safeguards in place. Who owns the rights to do research on the sample or sell those rights? A sample by itself is worthless for research. However, UC Davis retains research rights on all samples it houses, whether they come from individual customers or contract customer associations, like the ABGA. The following language is provided to each customer from UC Davis: USE OF DATA. All Research data, including but not limited to, all notebooks, DNA typing protocols, original laboratory records, and any research reports, shall be usable by university in pursuit of its mission of teaching, research and public service. University reserves the right, subject to individual confidentiality requirements, to publish any or all research results developed from such data. Is there an extra fee for a Parentage Data Search? Yes, $5 Can I pay to submit a semen sample if I am not the current owner? Per Rule 802.c “Only the current owner of the animal can request DNA Testing. Written and signed confirmation from the current owner on record or their descendants will be required for the release to test an animal not belonging to the member requesting to test said animal.” Can I pay to move the DNA UC Davis has stored to be SNP tested if I am not the current owner? Per Rule 802.c “Only the current owner of the animal can request DNA Testing. Written and signed confirmation from the current owner on record or their descendants will be required for the release to test an animal not belonging to the member requesting to test said animal.” On 1/14/2025 the board approved to add the following to rule 802.c “If an animal has previously been tested using STR technology, any current or previous owner of that animal may pay to have the DNA transitioned to SNP technology.” What is the timeline for results? Turnaround time can vary depending on the sample volume of the laboratory, the quality of the sample submitted and if repeat testing has to be performed. Typically, from the time the laboratory receives the sample until the parentage is reported it takes around 10-14 business days. Delays can also occur if the sample volume for testing is low as samples need to be processed 24 at a time.

  • Tattoo Guidelines | American Boer Goat Association | United States

    The American Boer Goat Association identifies animals based on age and ownership tattoos in the right and left ear of the animal. These tattoos must follow ABGA rules and guidelines. Todas las cabras deben estar tatuadas en el momento de la solicitud de registro. Cada cabra debe tener una secuencia de tatuaje única. El PREFIJO DEL REBAÑO del solicitante se tatuará en la oreja derecha de todas las cabras presentadas para el registro. (Si una hembra se vende a un nuevo propietario durante la preñez, las crías resultantes de esa preñez deberán tener el prefijo del rebaño del propietario de la hembra en broma tatuado en la oreja derecha de cada cría presentada para el registro). En la oreja izquierda de todos los chivos que se presenten para el registro, se tatuará una letra para indicar el año de nacimiento del animal, seguida de un número de serie para designar el orden de nacimiento. ( Ver letras de tatuaje ABGA ). ABGA no registrará ninguna cabra con el mismo tatuaje (combinación de tatuajes en la oreja derecha e izquierda) dentro de un período de 22 años. La identificación con microchip implantado de forma permanente será aceptada por ABGA como identificación oficial además de, o en lugar de, los tatuajes. Letras de tatuaje ABGA 2025 R 2024 P 2023 N 2022 M 2021 L Year Letter Vista Consejos para tatuar con éxito a sus cabras Cabestro o bozal al animal, si es necesario. Inserte los símbolos correctos en los alicates. Compruebe la exactitud de los símbolos haciendo una marca en una hoja de papel. Frote la tinta en la piel, eligiendo un área libre de pecas y verrugas, si es posible. Coloque los símbolos paralelos y entre las venas o el cartílago de la oreja o las venas de la red de la cola. La pasta verde es mucho mejor para la identificación de tatuajes permanentes, particularmente cuando el tejido que recibe el tatuaje es negro o muy oscuro. No toque el área hasta que se complete el proceso de curación, que puede ser de cinco a veintiún días. Mantenga una lista de números de tatuajes con nombres de animales e ingréselo en su registro de cría privado. Para leer el tatuaje en un animal de orejas oscuras, sostenga una linterna encendida contra la parte exterior de la oreja. Equipo necesario: bicarbonato de sodio, dígitos para tatuajes, números y alfabeto, tinta para tatuajes (pasta o roll-on; el verde es el más versátil), alicates para tatuajes, toallitas húmedas, cepillo de dientes y toalla. Limpia el oído. Frote la mitad de la oreja con una toallita. Seque bien la oreja. Aplicar tinta en la oreja. Tatúa la oreja con unos alicates para tatuajes. Empuje hacia abajo con fuerza. El prefijo del rebaño va en el oído derecho, y la letra del año y el número de la cabra van en el oído izquierdo. Aplique más tinta. Aplica bicarbonato de sodio. Aplique bicarbonato de sodio en el área tatuada. Producto terminado después de un año. Tattoo Guidelines ABGA identifies animals by their left and right ear tattoos These tattoos must follow ABGA rules and guidelines.

  • History | American Boer Goat Association | United States

    The Boer goat was first founded in the early 1900s by Dutch farmers of South Africa. The first full-blood Boers were brought to the United States in 1993; ABGA formed the same year. Today’s American Boer Goat Association is the largest Boer association in the world with 7,000 members annually. NUESTRA HISTORIA COMENZÓ MÁS DE 100 AÑOS ATRÁS La cabra Boer fue desarrollada por agricultores holandeses en Sudáfrica a principios del siglo XX. Fueron traídos a los Estados Unidos en 1993. Ese mismo año se fundó la American Boer Goat Association (ABGA). Una raza única, es popular por su increíble producción de carne. La cabra Boer tiene una tasa de crecimiento rápido, excelentes cualidades de canal y es muy adaptable a diferentes entornos. Dócil y altamente fértil, estos rasgos distinguen a la cabra Boer en los segmentos comerciales y de raza pura de la industria de la cabra de carne estadounidense. Hoy en día, la ABGA ofrece una variedad de oportunidades en marketing, educación y la industria comercial y para los jóvenes a través de la Junior American Boer Goat Association. ABGA es la asociación de cabras Boer más grande del mundo con más de 7.000 miembros. La asociación registra más de 45.000 cabezas anualmente. NUESTRA HISTORIA COMENZÓ MÁS DE 100 AÑOS ATRÁS

  • DNA | American Boer Goat Association | United States

    American Boer Goat Association members and non-members can request DNA testing at a set price from ABGA and UC Davis. SOLICITUD PRUEBAS DE ADN Updates ACTUALIZACIONES DE ADN ABGA El tiempo de respuesta actual de UC Davis es 15-20 días hábiles a partir de la fecha de recepción de la muestra. Si las muestras requieren pruebas adicionales, los resultados tardarán entre 3 y 4 semanas más allá de los 10 a 15 días hábiles. A partir del 1 de enero de 2022, ya no enviaremos calcomanías de ADN. Los resultados se enviarán por correo electrónico, a menos que se solicite. Si desea que la calificación de ADN se refleje en el Certificado de registro de su cabra, envíe el certificado a la oficina de ABGA. Se cobrará una tarifa de reemisión del certificado de $5. Inscripciones Payment must be included to receive the DNA Sample Instructions. $33 Per Animal DNA test request for non-members or members with outstanding membership dues. Payment must be included to receive the DNA Sample Instructions. $38 Per Animal PRECIO 2022 [El pago debe incluirse con el formulario para recibir el kit de muestra] $33 / solicitud de prueba de ADN para miembros [el número de miembro debe incluirse para obtener el precio de miembro] $38 / solicitud de prueba de ADN para no miembros INSTRUCCIONES [Todos los elementos requeridos deben completarse por completo.] Identificación: El ADN de todas las cabras analizadas a través de ABGA debe tener una identificación de ABGA, como su nombre y marcas o tatuajes de identificación. Verificación de los padres: si está solicitando la verificación de los padres, marque el tipo de verificación (ya sea padre, madre o ambos) y ASEGÚRESE de completar el número de registro del padre y/o madre y el número de identificación del caso del Laboratorio de Genética Veterinaria (VGL). Si no tiene un número de identificación de caso de VGL, debe comprar las instrucciones para muestras de ADN para cada padre que esté verificando. TIEMPO DE PROCESAMIENTO UC Davis le enviará por CORREO ELECTRÓNICO las instrucciones de su muestra de ADN a su dirección de correo electrónico dentro de los tres (3) días hábiles posteriores al envío EN LÍNEA a ABGA. [Si no proporcionó una dirección de correo electrónico, se le enviarán por correo las instrucciones para la muestra de ADN.] Si no recibe las Instrucciones para la muestra de ADN dentro de los 3 días hábiles, REVISE SU CORREO ELECTRÓNICO NO RESERVADO . Si no está allí, comuníquese con la oficina de ABGA al (325) 486-2242 o envíe un correo electrónico a . EXTRACCIÓN Y ENVÍO DE MUESTRA DE CABELLO [Las instrucciones de la muestra de ADN incluyen instrucciones sobre cómo tirar del cabello para la prueba y enviarlo a UC Davis]. Asegúrese de obtener las raíces de la muestra de cabello. Asegúrese de utilizar un sobre de papel limpio. Asegúrese de escribir la información de la cabra en el sobre [nombre, número de registro, su nombre]. Envíe la muestra de ADN a UC Davis siguiendo las instrucciones de las Instrucciones para la muestra de ADN. recibiste Envíe la confirmación a ABGA. [De la Regla 802–I de ABGA] En los casos en que la parte que presenta la solicitud no es el propietario del registro, se requiere un vial, pajilla u otro recipiente sin abrir que contenga semen que haya sido identificado de acuerdo con la Regla 401.B para que los resultados de la prueba de ADN ser aceptado por ABGA. PRECIO 2022 [El pago debe incluirse con el formulario para recibir el kit de muestra] $33 / solicitud de prueba de ADN para miembros [el número de miembro debe incluirse para obtener el precio de miembro] $38 / solicitud de prueba de ADN para no miembros INSTRUCCIONES [Todos los elementos requeridos deben completarse por completo.] Identificación: El ADN de todas las cabras analizadas a través de ABGA debe tener una identificación de ABGA, como su nombre y marcas o tatuajes de identificación. Verificación de los padres: si está solicitando la verificación de los padres, marque el tipo de verificación (ya sea padre, madre o ambos) y ASEGÚRESE de completar el número de registro del padre y/o madre y el número de identificación del caso del Laboratorio de Genética Veterinaria (VGL). Si no tiene un número de identificación de caso de VGL, debe comprar las instrucciones para muestras de ADN para cada padre que esté verificando. TIEMPO DE PROCESAMIENTO UC Davis le enviará por CORREO ELECTRÓNICO las instrucciones de su muestra de ADN a su dirección de correo electrónico dentro de los tres (3) días hábiles posteriores al envío EN LÍNEA a ABGA. [Si no proporcionó una dirección de correo electrónico, se le enviarán por correo las instrucciones para la muestra de ADN.] Si no recibe las Instrucciones para la muestra de ADN dentro de los 3 días hábiles, REVISE SU CORREO ELECTRÓNICO NO RESERVADO . Si no está allí, comuníquese con la oficina de ABGA al (325) 486-2242 o envíe un correo electrónico a . EXTRACCIÓN Y ENVÍO DE MUESTRA DE CABELLO [Las instrucciones de la muestra de ADN incluyen instrucciones sobre cómo tirar del cabello para la prueba y enviarlo a UC Davis]. Asegúrese de obtener las raíces de la muestra de cabello. Asegúrese de utilizar un sobre de papel limpio. Asegúrese de escribir la información de la cabra en el sobre [nombre, número de registro, su nombre]. Envíe la muestra de ADN a UC Davis siguiendo las instrucciones de las Instrucciones para la muestra de ADN. recibiste Envíe la confirmación a ABGA. [De la Regla 802–I de ABGA] En los casos en que la parte que presenta la solicitud no es el propietario del registro, se requiere un vial, pajilla u otro recipiente sin abrir que contenga semen que haya sido identificado de acuerdo con la Regla 401.B para que los resultados de la prueba de ADN ser aceptado por ABGA. Título It identifies the specific genetic markers associated with the goat you have tested. It allows for parent verification and future identification of that goat as the parent of any kid(s). It will show on your goat’s registration papers, and on online searches people do that your goat’s identity is verified and recorded through the DNA test. It will allow you to show your goat’s parentage has been verified, if you have requested parent verification. What does the test do for ABGA? It lets us build our database of information on registered goats. Once we have that start we can ask UC Davis to test the samples for more markers that will give us the opportunity to improve our animals. Will DNA be used for research? Yes. UC Davis retains the right to use all samples stored at the VGL for research, whether the tests are performed for individuals, or for individuals through associations. Research and the benefits that it can provide to producers is the main focus of the program for the ABGA. As more members participate in the DNA testing program this will make meaningful research a reality for our animals for the first time. Who owns the DNA sample? All DNA samples are stored at UC Davis, and VGL retains the right to use any samples stored there for research, whether they are done for individuals, or for individuals through registries. For contract customer registries like ABGA, the registry has ultimate ownership of the sample. However, the owner receives the results of the DNA tests requested on their goats. This gives ABGA members the guarantee that should UC Davis decide to dispose of samples processed through ABGA requests, ABGA can move those samples to another facility so they are still available for research that will benefit all members. Should it matter to me that the ABGA shares ownership of the sample? Yes. It gives you the guarantee that your sample is safe, regardless of what UC Davis may decide in the future. It makes it easier and cheaper for members to DNA test their goats, and verify parentage, if they wish to do that. Who gets a copy of the DNA Report listing the Markers? For contract customer registries, like ABGA, the owner of the goat will receive a copy of the results to be kept with the animal, and the registry receives a copy of the results to be stored in the appropriate registry herd book. Does ABGA make the DNA Report on my goat available to anyone else? No, absolutely not. If you want someone to have that information, you must provide it to them yourself. Can I get other animals DNA results? No. Only the owner of the DNA sample can get that information. The member will need to contact the owner of the animal who is also the owner of the DNA to get those results. *Can the test tell me if my goat is a percentage or fullblood? No. With current information available, there is no way to tell what percentage Boer is in a goat. Is there an extra fee for parent verification? No. The ABGA included this service in our price of doing the DNA test. Will I be told who the parents are? No. The test will show how close they matched, or didn’t match what you indicated on the form. Can I request parent verification of my goat(s) if I don’t own one of the parents? Yes, but only if you verify parentage through ABGA, the parents are registered and have been DNA tested through ABGA. The goat you are verifying parentage of must have some form of an ABGA registration or listing paper number and then all you need is the goat’s parents’ registration numbers to verify the parentage of your goat. If the goat’s parents have not been DNA tested, you would need to order DNA test sample kits on the parents as well as the goat at the same time. If you verify through UC Davis, and/or your goat’s parents have not been DNA tested through ABGA, you must have the VGL Case ID number from their owner. Do I need to keep a sample of the hair? Both UC Davis and ABGA suggest that when you pull a sample to send in for testing, you pull another sample. Place it in an envelope the same way you do the sample you’re sending in and write the identifying information on the envelope. Store it in a DRY, safe place. The best protection of your sample is to leave it in storage at UC Davis where there are documented safeguards in place. Who Owns the Rights to Do Research on the Sample or Sell those Rights? A sample by itself is worthless for research. However, UC Davis retains research rights on all samples it houses, whether they come from individual customers or contract customer associations, like the ABGA. Here is the language each customer receives from UC Davis: [USE OF DATA. All Research data, including but not limited to, all notebooks, DNA typing protocols, original laboratory records, and any research reports, shall be usable by University in pursuit of its mission of teaching, research and public service. University reserves the right, subject to individual confidentiality requirements, to publish any or all research results developed from such data.] Frequently Asked DNA Questions Request DNA Testing Medios de comunicación JABGA

  • Affiliates | American Boer Goat Association | United States

    The ABGA affiliate program is a partnership between regional goat clubs and ABGA. With the rapid growth in the meat goat industry, the local meat goat and Boer goat clubs have an increased role of education, marketing and promotion. Affiliates The ABGA affiliate program is a partnership between regional goat clubs and ABGA. With the rapid growth in the meat goat industry, the local meat goat and Boer goat clubs have an increased role of education, marketing and promotion. These local groups provide an essential role in promoting the industry and educating breeders.

  • Frequently Asked Questions | American Boer Goat Association | United States

    Frequently asked questions about the American Boer Goat Association, ABGA membership, registrations, transfers, herd prefixes and herd names, tattoos, and rush fees. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

  • ABGA Store | ABGA

    ​Shop the American Boer Goat Association Store for apparel and accessories. Browse our selection today and elevate your ABGA swag! SHOP ABGA Caps/Headwear T-Shirts & Tops Socks Accessories + ABGA Store Shop the American Boer Goat Association Store for apparel and accessories. Browse our selection today and elevate your ABGA swag! Accessories Todos los productos Apparel Hats Write a Title Here Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust. Focus on what makes the business unique and how users can benefit from choosing it. Read More

  • iCompete | ABGA

    The American Boer Goat Association: Protecting, Promoting, and Recording the American Boer Goat Breed. iCompete Find iCompete updates, how-to videos, report an issue and more. Go to iCompete Report a Problem Watch Tutorials View Updates New to iCompete? Check out these step-by-step tutorial to get you started. More tutorials coming soon! How to Transfer a Goat on iCompete How to Sign Up for iCompete & Renew Your Membership How to Register a Percentage Goat with an Unregistered Dam Next Back Updates on iCompete Technical Issues and Features These are the major issues or missing features with iCompete. We are working through smaller bugs on the member and staff side of iCompete that shouldn't affect registrations. Please report any issues you are having with registrations that are not listed below by clicking the Report a Problem button above. The "BLUE SCREEN" is no longer being updated or supported. iCompete is an all-in-one solution that includes registry, competition and shows, and research. You will no longer need two logins to manage your herd and data. You can view the new Herd Book by logging into your iCompete account and clicking the Herd Book button. Data Errors. Due to more than 13 million animals, plus member and show data being transferred to our new system, some data transferred over incorrectly. No data was lost. We are working on getting that data corrected. If you see incorrect information on your account or owned animals, click the Report a Problem button and let us know. Herd Book Updates. We are currently working on the Herd Book, and archived show and points data to reflect more data, as it did on the "blue screen." Please allow some time for these updates to be made. Listing Papers. We are unable to print listing papers at this time. If you have trouble registering a listing paper animal, or trouble registering offspring from a listing paper animal, please contact the office. Herd Disposal/Management. Marking your animal as deceased is available. We are still working on marking your animals as "sold without papers" or "sold with papers" to remove them from your herd. Transactions. There is currently no transactions page for members. If you would like a report of your transactions, please contact the ABGA office. This feature is currently being worked on. Payment for work done in the office. The iCompete developers are currently working on a payment system for work done in the office. Currently, you will receive an invoice in your email if you did not provide payment up front. iCompete News & Updates My Animals list: Search and Sort Options Nov 27, 2024 READ MORE Viewing Progeny Points on iCompete Nov 21, 2024 READ MORE iCompete Update: Registrations are now fully automated! Nov 13, 2024 READ MORE Renew You ABGA Membership on iCompete Oct 3, 2024 READ MORE Multi-Owned Goats Now Displaying in All Owners Inventory Sep 27, 2023 READ MORE iCompete: Please Check Your Owned Animals Jul 14, 2023 READ MORE Next Back Adult members can register for their Junior accounts again. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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